This was ok

this was ok

I like the art, and I general like a monster people world setting but everything already points to it being super obnoxious.

Are you gay or something?

i just gave it a chance

I think you forgot to at 'not' in front of 'ok'

Nothing of consequence happened and the 'prophecy of doom' thing is so cliche, vague, and uninteresting that it was almost cringe worthy. Plus the fact that a werewolf is so afraid of being seen in a world were being a magical creature or shapeshifter has literally no consequences is just illogical and dumb.

you do realize that OK can also mean not bad but nothing special?

>ok=/= bad
Yes. I just disagree with your assessment on the comic just being 'not bad but nothing special'.

>Plus the fact that a werewolf is so afraid of being seen in a world were being a magical creature or shapeshifter has literally no consequences is just illogical and dumb.
I hate when writers pull shit like that.

>"I'm going to create a world and then have some things that behave as though it's the normal world even if it makes no sense in the setting because I write using a bag of cliches and this one has to be in there"

the girl that works in that other shop with the cats was pretty fuckable I'll give you that

Is that a pig girl or something?

I read it when user put it up for submission for the Storytime of Pain yesterday. I thought it was terrible, and not in the entertaing way.

The beef the creators have with Chakyin was more entertaining than the book.

>That big fat ass

I don't care if the art is special snowflake crap and the writing is garbage, I'm fapping to that lardmountain and Sup Forums can't stop me

I wanna fug that minotaur even if his design makes no sense.

>cow head
>cow legs
>cow tail
>human arms only
>final destination

Here's a big fat ass for you now delete that picture you saved



Dude no. We had a story time of this earlier.




This was boring, inoffensive crap.



I am fully blaming Steven Universe and Adventure Time for this trend of terrible art.

but the art isn't bad. I'd take this over Erika Henderson or even Kate Leth who it looks like but has far better execution.


Literally a few days ago. Check the archives.

Is it just me do a lot of these indie tumblr pandering slice of life comics set in some sort of magical candyland where nothing bad ever happens? I mean fuck, even Azumanga Daioh, one of the most cutesy anime ever had character conflict.

like literally yesterday.

It's a natural extension to Everything is a Trigger warning.

Hey Azumanga Daioh is great.

>Is it just me do a lot of these indie tumblr pandering slice of life comics set in some sort of magical candyland where nothing bad ever happens?

The problem is;

A) If you're optimistic/willing to give them the benefit of the doubt, the writers of these comics just believe that the quirkiness of the characters can carry the weight of a show/series/comic instead of any meaningful conflict. It's their equivalent to humor or comedy. Problem is a lot of this stuff is rarely funny because it focuses on a 'so relatable quirky' rather than quirk with actual intelligence and meaning behind it.

B) If you're somewhat pessimistic it's probably because a lot of them haven't really experienced any true problems in their lives. You write what you know or rather the world that you want to live in. These people want to live in a candy land where even the most mundane of consequences don't exist. It makes the comic more of an escapist fantasy rather than a story with structure, gravity, or meaning other than what the creators want to impose on the world. It's an expression of their identity and frustrations at the world and what they want the world to be.

Fuckers just need to watch some classes on character

We like people who struggle even if they fail. We like people who overcome conflicts. We like people who don't quite fit, whether it be in the world, their job, or their destiny.

You can only watch so much filler where people just go about their lives before you stop giving a shit. Unless it's a comedy but even comedy thrives on conflict and making actual humor is even harder than making a good character.

Is that it?

This looks like dog shit.

I wanna fuck that THICC girl

those are one of those big asses that are wide but incredibly flat, basically the least appealing things to ever exist