Who Would Win?

Who Would Win?

>ThhT RagnngaR
>RooR KoraaroK

HuuH has less armor than KllK

Fantasy logic: less armor means less of a chance of actually being hit.

there are also three KllKs but only one HuuH

The real question is how powerful are the three KllKs to the one HuuH

>ThhT RagnngaR

Has two Odin's

>shoulder guards
> face tattoos on both sides
>2 hulks leaping toward eachother
Right side all the way

>LooL is pretty much the exact same as IkkI

LooL looks slightly happier.

>Three armored dudes vs one unarmored dude
Well clearly HuuH is the stronger one. That's how those kind of fights always go down.

>more armor
>2 swords
>more face paint
Root Koraarok always wins

THHT RAGNNDAR obviously. He has two Odins, and his Valkyrie actually has arms, 4 of them even.

The mini Hulks would end up fighting each other. All he has is a couple of Heimdals and slightly stupider Hulk.

From the thumbnail I thought this was a Samurai Jack movie poster with Aku.

>Loki looks exactly the same

>4 arms, no mouth **VS** 3 boobs, huge mouth, swordhead
I cannot decide

LooL looks happier than Ikki

>THREE Thors
>The Collector
>not muh

how can the other side even compete?

Roor has the face paint, he's more fearsome than Thht

But Huuh is much more intimidating than Kllk. I wouldn't want to make him angry.

Lool is clearly a much happier fella.

But Roor has two Heimdalls backing him, not to mention an extra Kllk.

I'm more interested in how LooL will play out compared to kiik

HeeH looks moderately menacing.

LL is looks like Aku taking his trans phase too far.

ThhT has 3 Odins, but RooR has 3 Hulks
Imma go with RooR on this one