What happens when the "Cinematic Universe" fad ends...

What happens when the "Cinematic Universe" fad ends? Do you think people will start to desire high quality standalone trilogies again like The Dark Knight?

You fail to realize that Cinematic Universes have been a thing since the 50's.

Maybe it won't end. Maybe it'll just be how we do things from now on.

but The Dark Knight isn't a high quality standalone trilogy, it's two good movies and a third one that fucking ruined everything

>What happens when the "Cinematic Universe" fad ends?
they never really die
godzilla went on for the better part of 30 years with a continuing story

high quality standalones and cinematic univeses are not mutually exclusive, nor is one better than the other, one may surpass the other in box office as fads swing by
but the idea of a long continuing soap opera-esque story has existed since 1930s film serials, and survived in many forms until its current form

they dont die out, they just get a sequel

this. its been a thing in shows, too. tons of things in media are interconnected in the same fictional universes. they even tried doing it with the shitty fox verse. there's a deleted scene for Fantastic Four when Reed transforms his face into Logan.

First, I think it's gonna be a long time before superheroes go away. Like, another decade at least.

Second, I think we're gonna go back to auteur filmmaking with entirely original stories.

CINEMATIC UNIVERSES is just one more form of studio-driven filmmaking, and the studio/auteur dichotomy has been flipping back and forth since the dawn of the industry.

Not OP and I'm enjoying all the MCU movies, but I personally think its a bubble. I don't think it'll last forever.

Personally, I think Infinity War will be the climax of the MCU and then it'll dwindle over time after that.

Especially since Chris Evans's contract is almost up and he said he was planning to stop after that, so thats one of the faces of the MCU gone, and RDJ probably won't be around for much longer either, so thats two big names gone.

And I just don't think it can last forever. Sorta like horror movies went through a period where they all got 7 or 8 sequels, I think this is along the same lines.

It'll go for a few more years then I think taper off.
If they can sustain it in an interesting and enjoyable way for the indefinite future, I'm all for it, but I don't think they can.

Well, by then I assume it will only be because audiences have gotten sick of superhero movies in general. So sorry bud, if you like live action movies about comic books, you'll have to ride the 'fad' out until they fade away like westerns. Then every so often some filmmaker will want to be all 'retro' and make a superhero movie.

>auteur filmmaking with with entirely original stories

Superhero films have never done this. Spider-man 1 is just The Night Gwen Stacy died mashed up with the first appearance of Spider-Man from Amazing Fantasy. Batman Begins is bits of Miller and Loeb smashed together.

t. hothead

>Especially since Chris Evans's contract is almost up and he said he was planning to stop after that

since the Marvel Creative Committee lost control of the films, Evans has said he's open to doing more, actually

But it's definitely become a fad, much like 3D was at the time. I want to say the failed Universal and Ghostbusters Cinematic Universes showcase that.

Prior to that, they were usually just called "sequels". Not planned 10-movie arcs. Like, I wouldn't really call the original Jurassic Park or Back to the Future trilogies as cinematic universes.

Well I definitely wouldn't complain if he stayed on.

Though it sounded like he planned to get out of acting altogether, start working on the production side.

Which would be a damn shame if he did. He's a treasure

it's a meandering, poorly paced mess of a movie that neuters its villain for a twist that lands with all the weight of a wet towel

the thing about playing Cap is that it lets him basically fund whatever the fuck he wants to do in the years he's not playing Cap

Very true, very true.

t. hothead

They just stop using it then...?

Why do you idiots think just one day, every single human being on the planet will all go "yeah, I don't want to watch this anymore" and then one movie will be some super billion dollar bomb. It'll go out real slow if it'll go out at all.

I think Premium (Online) Television is the next hip meme. Expect a billion more Netflix copycats with increasingly dragged out meladramatic flashy action dramas in the 2020s.
Cinema probably implodes on itself once cinematic universe stops working, likely restarting with one or two self-contained blockbuster box office/merchendising successes a la OG Ghostbusters which brings the idea of self-contained marketing pushes back in vogue for a little while.

Comic characters have lived in shared universes since the fucking sixties, grow up. The FIRST issue of Amazing Spider-Man is a crossover with the Fantastic Four because they were popular at the time so they were used to boost sales. Fucking idiots.

It's less that nobody sees them and more that the idea of seeing all your favorite characters on the same screen gradually looses its appeal overtime, resulting in more films (Spiderman 6, which I did like by the way) preforming below wildly high expectations, undermining investor confidence in the concept until one semi-prolific bomb (likely caused by being a shitty or poorly marketed movie) causes investors to flip the fuck out.

>wildly below high expectations
jesus christ again with another bullshit "dude Spider-Man didn't make ten billion dollars, it's a super flop and Marvel will never make a Spider-Man movie again!!"

It's one bad movie, one okay at best movie and one shit movie. It is not a good trilogy.

Batman & Robin beats any of them, bat-card and all.

Ooh, dunno about that

You forgot Gotham Knight.

One great movie, one okay movie, one mediocre movie

cinematic universe, also known as spin offs, have been around forever.

It'll take a seriously long drought. And even then the MCU won't fully die. Most likely they'll keep it in pocket and draw from it when they feel the drawing is good.

You intentionally mixed up my phrasing, cunt.
I didn't say "wildly below high expectations", I said "below wildly high expectations". As in, Spider-Man is a big IP and Sony expects it to make a gorrirrion dollars every time.

>high quality standalone trilogies again like The Dark Knight
You lost me.

>high quality standalone trilogies again like The Dark Knight?

Batman Begins and the Bane Movie were crap. Only the Dark Knight was good. It was Nolan's fluke.

I mean inception was good

And dunkirk is ok

Interstellar was kinda bad, some visuals aside

1 solid movie 1 great movie and 1 movie that was too big for its own good.

You probably aren't gonna get too much support for nolan's batmans anymore here.

TDKR just burns too much

When contrarianism goes too far.

>People still think that Baleman was a ''high quality'' movie.

What I really hope is that the fact that actors have a limited shelf life forces them to be better than the comics by allowing their universe to develop, evolve, and move forward in time. Introduce new characters over time. Let older characters retire. Let the stories have a history longer than a 20 year max, with generations of heroes building on the last.
Batman Beyond should just be what Batman is by now, and not some ever distant future that will never come because Batman, like all comic heroes, isn't allowed to age. Hell, by now Beyond should be history, as the story would have moved past even that.

it'll get replaced with a netflix capeshit universe. imagine instead of waiting for 2 years to see Batman, you get 20 one hour episodes of him every year.

I actually always wished this was how comics would be but whenever I ask Sup Forums why? They spaz out at the thought of moving on from their favorite version of "insert superhero"

This fad has been going on since about the time the 3D fad started.

You're half right. Begins was the good movie in that set.

Doesn't Beyond happen in the 2020's

they could do it whenever it happens