I don't understand the appeal, can someone explain what's entertaining about Godzilla/monster movies?

I don't understand the appeal, can someone explain what's entertaining about Godzilla/monster movies?

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Well, in the original Godzilla, and Shin Godzilla, it is an allegory for nuclear weapons/nuclear power and government regulation/over-regulation.

Weird, right?

I don't know about the rest, do you like MCU movies, at all?


Not really. I just saw some of the 60s godzilla movies with a friend and I don't get why they keep getting made, isn't it the same plot over and over again?

>isn't it the same plot over and over again?
You must be watching the same movie on repeat if you think this.



How do you go from this...

Macro destruction and monster wrestling. The concept that we humans are all just ants in comparison to Godzilla, Mothera, and King Ghidorah (who is best kaju.) That’s what I like about it anyway.

...to this?

is that just a skyrim model?

Should have made been him larger. Looks too small. And I hope they give him the iconic cackle.

No it's apparently just an early stand in cgi model from a few months ago for the new movie

>They're just copying and tweaking this design for CGI

the appeal...
Music were great. The miniature houses getting destroyed were great. Girls were always cute.
Then perhaps you might find Japanese idea about international politics interesting.
Beyond that you might need to get into a mood to enjoy something like "aliens from Planet X have a secret plan". It sounds repetitive to some but "comfy" to some, because it's simple and manageable and harmless IMO.
Like, when I look at my bill I find Godzilla world comfy. Almost no one ever gets hurt.

Why does he have arms now???

Is Godzilla autistic?
>Can't talk, just screams randomly
>Shakes his hands all over the place even when he's just standing still
>Can't make friends or socialise, simply assaults others

Monster Zero is literally top five material of series, mate. In the same league as Star Trek: OTS and Planet of the Apes.

I guess they're trying to go for a more 'modern' wyvern look like the dragons from GoT.

Honestly, I don't think it's gonna be so bad, it could be interesting to see how he moves around with the arm-wings. Guess we'll just ahve to wait and see when a trailer comes out


OP, I was never into these movies but like the Bond films there seems to be one that hits you and you start to appreciate the entire series. Goldeneye did that for me and Bon and Shin Godzilla was the same for Godzilla.

I saw and FUCKING HATED that piece of shit American Godzilla from a few years ago. So I wasn't interested in Shin G until I heard that Hideaki Anno was co-Directing. Now, most people know him from Neon Genesis Evangelion but I had never watched that. No, what got me interested in his work was a 2004 movie called Cutie Honey which was based on a 70's manga and anime.

I liked the trailer, ordered CH and loved it, especially as it gave me my waifu Mikako Ichikawa who was also in Shin Godzilla. So I bought SG on a blind buy and loved it because it felt like Steven Soderbergh's Contagion which also had a matter-of-fact look at a crisis with documentary like realism of how people would deal with it.

Anywho, Shin Godzilla was the movie for me and now I'm going through the series to see if there's anything else that might peak my interest!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/WoLkrtbyAlA


>Anywho, Shin Godzilla was the movie for me and now I'm going through the series to see if there's anything else that might peak my interest!
This should help. Stay away from anything made in the 90s and most of the 70s.

>what got me interested in his work was a 2004 movie called Cutie Honey
Interesting experience. I am just a regular NGE fan and hated that movie.

Forgot pic of muh waifu!!!FACT!!!


Oh and they made a Cutie Honey sequel in 2016 called Cutie Honey: Tears but I don't have any interest in it because it looks self-important and lacks the sort of bubblegum cotton candy aesthetics and feel of the first film. Looks like they're trying to turn it into Ghost in the Shell!!!FACT!!! youtu.be/1salSmLbhO0

I'm assuming it flopped as it completely dropped off the radar.

>can someone explain what's entertaining about Godzilla/monster movies?
white virgins who feel like they're above capeshit. it's pretty sad.

No, no, no.
You're suppose to cringe.

B-but I'm not a virgin

autism. The same reason why capeshit is popular.

It did......

The original is good, fuck the rest.

>That’s what I like about it anyway
Anything else?

B-but I am not white
I would admit it's as repetitive as cape stuff though

The appeal is that when you're a young boy or a tomboy it is the most badass shit ever. Godzilla can be a villain, a antihero, or a fucking superhero.

As kids we love pretending to be something else and playing with toys, kaiju films and older monster films really capture the spirit of a child at play. Just breaking shit and fighting, it's like seeing two giant action figures going at it.

>be Gen X
>Star Wars was still in theaters, capekino was limited to Ferrigno TV Hulk, Galactica barely lasted one season, LoTR was some hippie cartoon shit limited to select theaters
>had to get your fantasy action fill off of Godzilla/Ghidrah and all the other monster flicks James Rolfe is gay for
>high moment of my grade school memories is the teachers using these new-fangled video tape recorders to tape the kajira festival on a local station, which they let us watch for two days while they played catch-up grading papers down the hall
>fun and stupid, especially with their dead-serious world-ending plots, but embarrassing to think we got into this decades later

No adult should be involved in this shit outside of dedicated collectors and archivists.

>Telling me what I can or can not do
Fuck off.

The original is a masterpiece, a lot of the early sequels are solid action films, the monsters are creative, and the most recent reboot was great.

Giant lizards turn me on

this should have been the anime godzilla design desu

The underly metaphor of how man's industrialization and stripping the earth of resources can lead to negative consequences.

>tfw there's a timeline where they used Stan Winston's design for the 1998 movie

De Bont actually wanted to respect the character and wanted to make the best film possible. Emmerich approached the material with contempt and the desire to outdo Spielberg.

how does this happen?

Actually a good chunk of Godzilla movies are about social commentaries on what Japan is facing in those relevant times. They pretty all have an overall theme.

If you don't see the inherent appeal in men dressed like dinosaurs destroyed brightly colored miniature cities because they're being controlled by flying saucers, you're not the audience for the movie, the same way that if you don't like sucking dicks you probably won't enjoy watching male strippers. I refuse to believe you really are too stupid to answer the question you asked on your own.