Any of you make comics when you were younger? If so, what were they about?

Any of you make comics when you were younger? If so, what were they about?

They were porn comics. The most memorable one was about a Stacey who got split up from her friends at an abandoned carnival and got gang raped by dozens of demons clowns. Shit was pretty cash.

A shitty middle school "comedy" that makes me laugh for being cringy and a weird action comic about a cyborg that kills its creator with its machine gun arm, goes to the future, and gets drafted by a fox person with a robo eye that was once a man to fight a dragon thing. There were a couple others, but those are the only completed ones.
That's fucked up, post pics.

When i was 12 i made Some shitty alien vs predator stick figure comics i think they are still laying around somewhere at my moms place. i should burn them.

don't burn them. storytime them if you find them

ill think about it.

I just liked drawing a ton of monsters as a kid

I made a shitty 'comedy' super hero comic called "Hare Jel". It starred a guy with ridiculously spiky hair.

There was a small series I made called "Sticks and Stones" when I was in 4th grade.

Initial premise was that there were 2 factions. Lines and Circles. Either you were one or the other, and if you didn't, you were all alone. The protagonist, however, was a curved line that was shunned by both groups. Then one day, a small group of lines and circles gets over their differences long enough to be his friend, working together to build a smiley face (with the curve acting as the smile). After that, a war broke out with both the Lines and Circles uniting to buid their own unique shapes to fight the renegade faction forming catapults and bubbletanks. It kinda fizzled out and died after that.

I made a Half Life Spongebob crossover.

Mine were about the Punisher hopping to different universes and solving problems in these worlds his usual way. One where he inadvertently becomes worshiped by a primitive tribe of aliens. And one where he ends up in the middle ages. In that one he figures out how to scare a nest of dragons and warns them to stay away from the human villages.

2nd grade. king and the lion
it was a classic among my friends
>a king has a pet lion
>the lion goes on adventures within the castle
>fights other animals like fatty monkey and shit
i dont remember much but my friends and i loved it and found it really funny. we were 2nd graders so it was probably very bad

no wait it was the king's lion

I made a 4-panel gag a day comic by hand, about pac-man and a talking triangle.

I made a lot of stick comics for fun and random bullshit when I was bored. Nearing the end of my comic making "career", I was drawing comics involving random characters from various franchises fighting monsters, robots, each other, etc. I remember one in particular where I had sonic fight megaman dbz style. All of these battles ended the same way, though. Someone would fire a massive energy blast and the last two panels would be of the view of the resulting explosion from space and a crater on the earth's surface. The other boys at my school really ate that shit up and were willing to start giving me money for it even though I didn't ask for cash. I think I made nearly 25 dollars by the end of my 4th grade year while selling each shitty 4-page comic for 50 cents.

I used to make a comic about some dude comes in contact with an alien machine that his professor friend was researching then become a shitty kamen rider ripoff.Along the story 2 of his friend also comes in contact with other alien machine that came down from earth and there are also the same alien species that tried to take back the machine

It was about my imaginary friend/oc exploding evil monsters for 2 pages

Groundhog day but with harem waifu's

Kind of like Madness meets Xiao Xiao. Just random mindless stick figure violence. One main character with a recurring secondary character later down the line. No personalities - didn't talk or anything, at least not at first. Just slaying their way through bad guy after bad guy, with no real plot.

It was fun.

are those the fucking endbringers?
worm thread?

The endbringers! WORM THREAD

i made one about a kid who has magical powers that let him control reality, he is so lonely that he give life to a scarecrow so he becomes his friend, they fight against a bully, help a werewolf be elegant for a date, etc

and also another one that was your standard calving & hobbes strip about a kid and his animal friend, a monkey. there were lots of stupid/terrible jokes that i wholesale stole from either spongebob or billy and mandy
and puns, puns everywhere

if i can get my hands on them i might scan them for you guys

>made a whole little world full of characters and as I aged I changed their designs/aged them
>realized at 12 the lore was covoluted and the characters were too 1 dimensional
>created a flashpoint tier event where everyone fights a god with the ability to reset that universe
>never got around to making anything similar
Should I even consider continuing?

fuck yeah you should continue that sounds dope

Oh and everyone died so I had a reason to make something new since I would only draw OCs


I guess. I'm only on 25.5 right now though. Don't wanna get spoiled. I guess this is a Worm thread and a comic thread

When I was 12 I made a 100 page fanfic about me and my friends having adventures as pokemon trainers in a region based on my state and I had a psychic connection to my charmander and fought Team DNA who tried to fuse pokemon for maximum power.

It had pokedex entries and shit, using sprites from the games.

>Made shitty mspaint webcomics with edgy violence and swearing.
>School finds out and contacts my mom thinking that I'm crazy.

Why would you post a worm image and not make a worm thread.

I didn't know what other image to use and I really like that pic so I used it

I was more of a writefag as a child partially because I couldn't draw people for shit.

My earliest comics were Transformers and GI Joe ripoffs.

Then came Food vs. Food where things in the fridge battled each other for control of the kitchen. Highlight issue was the sink war where the burger army was defeated.

Weirdos were a bunch of doodles and stickmen who fought for justice. Highlight issues included a little fly and spider fighting against an evil flyswatter.

When no one had ever heard of Popples, I did an edgy Popples comic where they dismembered and killed each other and eventually went to hell together and also there was a monkey. so randum xD

Then there was ROBERT where the stuttering glasses-wearing nerd of the school that was always picked on was actually a superhero and fought teachers and bullies and aliens. Did about 30 issues with some other people in the school, with a coherent plot, then presented them all to Robert and he was blown away that he had this many fans. I remember he hung a few of his favorite pages on his wall like a poster.


also how the fuck did the school find out?

then you're just in time because worm 2 is about to start, id give it three more months before it happens, at most

cool. I think I could finish it in that amount of time. hell yeah

Twig will have to finish first right?

Way back in first grade. I made a story were a bunch of kids got sucked into a kid's comic where they got transformed into the heroes and villains of that world. Every character just looked like a bald superman with the only variation was that the villains wore a "V" on their chest instead of an "S". I worked on it until I was 14, in which it got really edgy. All the plot lines and fights were just ripping off DBZ. None of it holds up, I never actually gave any of the characters names. The one part of it that I feel actually did was this immortal villain who had his head permanently severed from his body and now has forever levitate his head around him.

we are getting into the last arc this week

this is the comic with the kid and the monkey, this was back in 2008

and this is what i can do today
and it only took me nine years

When i was at high school, i liked to make this story, mainly because i liked to create many characters and involve them in manga-like fights. It was like the typical shonen.
It was about warriors that had unique weapons, which had ancient entities living inside them. These warriors had the job to fight a race of demons that threatened the living.
That was pretty much it. If i had to storytime it, it would take me some time.
I still make art of my characters just for old times sake tho.

This is excellent bro