Who would be the best person to play him in a movie?

Who would be the best person to play him in a movie?

Any hapa person on the street to make it as awkward as possible

The average r9k/fit/pol posters

Michael Cera

Ezra Miller. But he already made a mass shooting movie



srlsly though me. im hapa and virgin and omega and mentally ill AF

Crash Bandicoot.

are you me?

Idris Elba

Charlie Heaton

idk - are we?

being déraciné is shit isn't it? having no fixed cultural or ethnic identity. having no real home, i.e. especially when youre parents are so diametrically opposed in so many respects that it's only all the more reason they should have never gotten together - the most important reason being how fucked up their children are.

Eh, I'm not a hapa but I'm mixed race. It's sometimes a little alienating but I can't say its that bad. I don't really get why hapas go so nuts over it.

asians are really ethnocentric so they wont accept or fully assimilate half-breeds. and whites have too many stereotypes to name about asians. asian women are also bizarre and the men they hook up with tend to be a little off too.

Michael Cera

Idris Elba.

Michael Cera

I could play him too, I'm hapa but 6'4" with a big dick and athletic physique - I'm sure the dissonance would make it more amusing

they guy who portrayed him on law and order: SUV was pretty good at being an autistic creep

Paul Dano


>mass shooting
>bow and arrow

everet lewis chinese jew guy

literally me


I’ve thought about making a short film about CWC starring me as a stand in. I’d get my friends to portray support workers/government employees and just let the cameras roll on footage of ‘CWC’ being rejected for loans/welfare/disability, by women, and probably end the film getting thrown out of a gay bar after sperging out at some flirtatious twink

I don't know, half blacks don't seem to have problems and just call themselves black instead of boogaloopa or whatever people contrive nowadays.

Joseph Gordon Levitt

The Guz!