How far back does the soy problem go? We just didn't have a name for it

How far back does the soy problem go? We just didn't have a name for it.


Giv milkies


>Male nurse

I have never met a Chad nurse in my life. Why does nursing have the most beta males even though guys exceed at it better than women?

*sigh*... roll

damn it roll

Butter my roll


Men are better than women at basically everything. As for beta-ness, I don't know I have never met any personally.


Because to be a male nurse you have to overcome the pride of taking orders from a doctor, which is by definition a person who was smarter and better at medicine than you. No self-respecting man can stoop to that.

Thread derailed

roll em up

John Wayne was a fag

would you rather take orders from some management with no idea of what it is you do?


>No Karen Fisher

my brother maintains that he's doing nursing in order to become a nurse anesthetist which pays similarly to anesthesiology but you there's less liability on your shoulders so you don't have to worry about paying for insurance or being responsible when somebody has a bad reaction to the anesthesia. He does fairly well with women in his age group, better than I used to

just mention soy and they come out in full force. happens every time.

As a man in a business environment you can aspire to become management. A nurse can never become a doctor. You're the bitch until you retire.

>How far back does the soy problem go?
I'm guessing is started back when moot got rid of Sup Forums and you idiots were forced to post on other boards, and you got so used to shitposting you just didn't return when the board came back.

That's just a guess though.

Where were you when you realised it was actually Kelso who was best character?

Ill take what I can get

Rolls Royce

Most women tend to think, nurses know more than doctors because they spend more time with the patient is mindblowing

>soy problem
You got something against legumes?


Good thread op

>soy problem
there's always been men who are slightly effeminate, it's just people in the past had better things to do. Now that we have more free time, people are free to do whatever, so you start to notice things more; and people with mental health problems become a lot more noticeable


as far as your birth

J-JD isn't /soy/

roll roll roll


also uh 2005 maybe


what if you're a male nurse in a state facility for the criminally insane?

pic related

God go gadget quints.

>Dr Kelso, "Listen up faces, in order to save us all some time I will call all the male interns Dave and all the female interns Debby.
>Intern Debby, "Well, Debby is actually my name!"
>Dr Kelso, "Then out of fairness to the others, I will call you Slagathor....Daves, Debbys, and Slagathor...I will be in my office if you need me.

All in boys!


As a reminder, phytoestrogens literally don't affect testosterone levels.

I thought he was a doctor in the show though?

he was an actual doctor though

Gib femdoms



Gimme ava