Was this scene really necessary?

was this scene really necessary?

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Do girls actually enjoy anal or is it just a meme?

Pretty bag CGI desu

They like fingertips but not cocks.

what ! is that real? or deepfakes ?

god I wish that were me

Why doesn't actual porn have photography this good? Can't be that hard to set up a shot.

Reported & enjoy the ban.

>mfw the actress's kid got bullied afterwards, with people telling him that his mom was an oreo

Everyone likes anal. It just feels like taking a big shit reversed.

The problem is small cocks are preferred for anal pleasure, and only big-cock chads are alpha enough to ask for it. So it's a lose/lose.

Also girls are very self-conscious about poop.

We must kill every last Jew

>Also girls are very self-conscious about poop.

Girls don't do that.

How can little white boys ever compete with BIG BLACK COCK?

please be true, source maybe?


based bullies

>Movie is called Nymphomaniac
>Get triggered by sexual degeneracy

Maybe you should stick to watching Lifetime, faggot.

Wait is this an actual movie

what is this from?

Is this from the new black panther movie?

people with artistic talent and ambition don't tend to end up working in porn (the "exception" to this is digitaldesire, x-art, sometimes twistys and blacked/vixen)
that's literally 100% the reason

kek what is this from?

I wish porn was shot like this, maybe then I could watch it

So you're saying you like beastiality? Disgusting.

This but unironically

>enter a thread with a porn webm
>thinks it's actually a serious post

maybe you should stick to reddit

This whole movie is unnecessary

Movies are unnecessary.

are you a grill?

*takes a nap*


who is this actress?

people don't pay for porn anymore so they try to make it as cheap as possible. if you watch older porn, they had some production value.


their erections bopping up and down when they argued was pretty funny

real life, unfortunately

german interracial sex documentary

We art now

I have a big dick and my girl would do anal in a heart beat. I would never do it though as sticking your dick in a literal shitmaker is the most degenerate (not to mention gay) thing I've ever heard of.

The fuck that it's so socially acceptable confuses me a lot.

why is that a bad thing?

miss alice, president of new zealand

Porn really hit the mainstream.

google Yvan Attal (husband) oreo, he's french though, it's from a 2014 interview.

From some Dutch programme IIRC.

I wasn't being ironic.

Why are there so many new users on Sup Forums now?

>porn webm
>isn't away of the theatrical masterpiece Nymphomaniac
You're the one from reddit, you uncultured swine.

>if you watch older porn, they had some production value.
yea and stories and characters...so everything you just skip anyway


they're all phoneposters asking for sauce

I unironically love this poster.


surprise! surprise!

i enjoyed the stories and characters :/

It's the end result of a Jew-run industry. This is Judaism made manifest.

>and stories and characters...so everything you just skip anyway
pleb as fuck

>Look Pa, I'm a real actress now!!!

>nu-newfags don't even know a trier film

me with the shotgun

Dutch actually

WTFis this? a deleted scene from The Last Jedi?

reminder that the actress's kid got bullied mercilessly for this and probably turned into some black hating Sup Forumstard

Do you actually think that's her?

More like prez of hapaland

the son of the actress was bullied in school because of that scene, they mocked him calling his mom "oreo".

there's nothing wrong with hating negroid monkeys

von trier is a degenerate

isnt that the guy who got his ass fingered in a vid?

you hear stuff like "Aunt Diane" and that's enough to get going, I don't need to see her horrendous "acting" for 20 minutes or something beforehand

not really, most people know that white women love black men. it wasn't really necessary.

Makes sense she is a coal burner, she looks like a white nigger

Whores should not have children. Actresses too, but that's pretty much the same thing.

>Von Trier

apparently its Jewish

What the fuck did she expect to happen? Poor kid, she's a horrible mother.

>Why doesn't actual porn have photography this good?
because most people jerk off and move with the rest of your life

not everyone is a porn addict like you white bois

Good. He should kill her when he has the balls.

What's the difference? both cucks

>not a black man in sight
Feels good

lars von trier is a major cuckold - see manderlay with bryce the coalburner (not gonna post it because mods ban that shit)

That's one pretty boy. Put him in a dress and i'd fuck him

Seems that way.

Girls get absolutely no pleasure from anal

Man I wanna pump an asian so bad, they look like they have magical pussies. Like mexican chicks.

reminder that this is all revealed to be white boi's fantasy lmao VERY accurate. white bois have these fantasies all the time.

Mods are too busy jerking off like the cucks they are. Otherwise this thread would be gone by now.

kek I don't remember this scene

You guys heard about Alexis Texas?


>jew fantasy

The movie portrays her as degenerate, and associates her fucking black men with a bunch of other gross shit she did throughout her life. The movie is actually pretty Sup Forums if you interpret it correctly.

lars von trier is not jewish. he though he was for a while, but that's because his wife cucked "his" father.

Race picks for roles have to be more then a coincidence.

That's her father, retard.

can i get a link pls
don't those two cohost a show on drugs

WTF my boss just came in and nutted right on my face thanks OP

what happened?

a black man directed the movie

Girls get absolutely tons of pleasure from anal


lars loves bbc.


propagandized in porn so much it normalized that awful behavior.

did she get blacked? damn, the world is really doomed