Hey, in an effort to stem the flow of shitposting, I have a legitimate question for Sup Forums: Why do people put these Korean thrillers on such a high pedestal when 9/10 times they are convoluted, unrealistic, and full of stupid plot contrivances with characters that wouldn't be out of place in an average capeshit?
Pic related, The Chaser, The Yellow Sea, The Wailing, The Man From Nowhere, I could go on. These are bad movies, and yet they are rated so highly at all the film festivals. Explain?
Brayden Myers
>convoluted, unrealistic, and full of stupid plot contrivances with characters that wouldn't be out of place in an average capeshit Because it's just like anime.
Cameron Russell
None of those movies would work if made in America because American culture is all about irony now. We can still enjoy them because they're foreign, and presumably from a culture that isn't devoid of sincerity.
William Diaz
>implying the cannibal house segment wasn't 10/10 in a 2/10 film
Samuel Jackson
That scene was so random and nonsensical it might as well have come from a completely different movie
Blake Cook
>The Man From Nowhere Yeah this movie was pretty shit. They literally put in a fucking maserati ad before the climax
Christopher Russell
None of them can really be called high art, but what they certainly can be considered as are really stylish modern examples of the genre. Hollywood thrillers have become really shlocky and lazy, focusing on subject matter that is neither original, shocking, or thrilling, and featuring action that is neither exciting or well shot.
These Korean thrillers feature both dark thrilling subject matter and very well shot and well choreographed action sequences. That, plus the added appeal of watching something foreign which makes the world it shows more interesting just from that basic standpoint, is why I think they stand out and are often recommended.
Eli Moore
1000% this.
Anthony Long
Because they're better than their Hollywood counterparts Anyway, I agree that the films listed are nothing special but some are great, Mother, Peppermint Candy, A Bittersweet Life etc.
Jason Harris
Mother is fucking HORRIBLE. You have the worst fucking taste.