Black Panther Perfect Score

>Leftists still furious that despite the fact the "critics" giving "The Last Jedi" over 90%, the user score has now dropped below 50%
>They are scared the same will happen with the "Black Panther"
>A Facebook group, which if you search does not and actually seems to have never existed, was supposedly set up by American alt-right groups and the Russian government to intentionally give the movie a bad score
>These "brave" leftists exposed this "group" and "reported" it to Rotten Tomatoes
>Rotten Tomatoes now plans to delete every single negative review, claiming any negative reviews are either Russians or American Nazis
>Leaving the Black Panther Rotten Tomato page showing both a user score and critic score both being 100% positive
>You know realize the "Russian online spies" angle can be used for any and all censorship they want

Other urls found in this thread:

>caring about score
what matters is to make it not so profitable (coz flop is not an option in MCU case) so they got no reason to push niggers in future blockbusters

Blind Item #2

"Talk about being jealous. This review site has been taking heat for the promised bad reviews about to flood its site of this upcoming superhero movie which is going to make tons and tons of money. It might even make $200M the first weekend. Why would it do this? The site is owned by a rival studio/comic book series. Oh, and making sure all of the bad reviews and trying to link bad reviews to the soon to be blockbuster is this cable news network owned by the same movie studio."

Leftists are so fucking pathetic at this point. No wonder you get outsmarted by fucking drumpf every step of the way.

It’s just Disney in panic mode because people dared to hate TLJ. Now they are trying to control RT audience scores and make sure there’s not “wrong” opinion.

Don't blame just the left. The left is aiding and abetting corporate shilling because the corporations are pretending to be woke.

Pathetic shills, just pathetic

> if I'll keep saying there's no proof Sup Forums manipulated TLJ's score everyone will believe it!

Rotten Tomatoes literally said so.

Go away, Kathleen Kennedy, you bitch.

The leftist soycucks like you are the ones making the conspiratorial claim and not backing anything up, you nigger tier retard. Not too bright eh? that explains your love of marvel flicks then, logic confuses you i see

>Sup Forums is tens of millions of users, all who voted on RT specifically to lower TLJ's score

yes you fuckng fascist cnn said so also literally everyone on twitter was retweeting it fuck you drumpfkin i literally checked reddit and everybody knows it was le racist pol

>tfw want to see Black Panther because it genuinely looks kind of exciting. besides, it'd be a new saga in the superhero movie genre.
>blacks are going fucking crazy over it when Spawn/Blade are much better characters and people didn't give a fuck.

i'm not seeing it for 2 weeks because i don't want to be in the theater, listening to stereotypical blacks being stereotypical. it's shameful that they embody the very stereotypes that the blacks in the 40s, 50s and 60s fought against.

fuck, i saw a meme where they're all eating chicken and drinking grape soda, talking about "this is how we'll be in the black panther premier, yaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssss." how the fuck are you celebrating literally, LITERALLY, everything that your so called oppressors stereotyped about you? grape soda, chicken, being fucking loud, etc. we just need the fucking watermelon and that's it.

No threads about it, everybody hated the movie and underperformed by almost a billion, also RT confirmed the score was real. Sorry shills you exposed yourselves for nothing


You can’t make this shit up.

Sup Forums is the majority.

Why would the Russians give a fuck about black panther?

Shut up, Trump!

Someone in the comments:

>The FB group is ‘Down with Disney’s Treatment of its Franchises and Fanboys’. The same group targeted The Last Jedi.

Did Sup Forums manipulate the box office so that TLJ would be out of the Top 10 before February?

Don't forget Sup Forums also did mind control of all the citizens of China to make them hate the movie

Sup Forums, alt-right and Russians are the new politically correct Jew conspiracy.

I am familiar with that group. Reeks of false flag.

Yeah that was a good day the day all 1 million of us on Sup Forums bellied up to RT to fuck up the aggregate score for Black Panther.

t. Sup Forumslack

They also had nazi patrols near theaters all over the world no not let people to watch TLJ masterpiece, that's the only logical reason why this movie dropped out pretty fast in every country that wasn't strong armed by Disney to keep it for weeks on the biggest screens.
I guess Disney figured that it's easier and cheaper to make add campaign based on "racist nazi alt right Russian trolls targeting scores of our nigger-fantasy movie", since liberals/SJW will work for free as soon as they hear those magical buzzwords.

It's the burden of those making the assertion to provide proof. You can't prove a negative.

well yeah, they don't want spergy, shut in alt virgins shitting up the review score alongside the legit reviews.

How many years before Disney has their own police force ready to arrest anyone for wrong speech and wrong think against Disney?


>X is doing Y because the internet is awful
Why the fuck do they write their headlines like this every time?

They don't want the target audience giving their reviews?

It’s the first American movie ever made that stars a black lead

Do these freaks seriously think the Russians are trying to hack their stupid site over a movie? Libtards really live in an alternate reality.

>It’s the first American movie ever made that stars a black lead


None of this matters in the long run. All that matters is if people actually want to pay money to go see the movie.


Yes. Because Disney told them so. And Disney is never wrong and would never ever lie to us. Praise Mickey Mouse!!!

>being this drumpf

>Black Panther has a perfect sco...

Not your blog faggot

At least watermelon is healthy, cheap, and fun to eat with your family.

>pick one

They are saying this is going to be greater than A New Hope
Look at what these critics are saying

'Black Panther' first reactions: It's 'astonishing,' 'iconic' and 'will save blockbusters