People said Carter was a much better casting for WW than Gadot even though they're both super thin (Carter has wide...

>People said Carter was a much better casting for WW than Gadot even though they're both super thin (Carter has wide hips and a decent bust, I'll give you that) and Diana in the comics is a bonafide beefcake

I don't think we've ever had a strong looking Wonder Woman, just one that was WAY off from her original design, a hot one, and a (less hot, but still hot) stick one

who the fuck cares? good you cape shit autists need to leave this board with your absolute unadultered autism.

>I don't care that there's this huge trend in the film industry, get your [insert something I don't like] out of my safe space!

Hollywood isn't a big fan of muscular women.

Diana is drawn as skinny sometimes, muscular other times. She's never drawn as flat-chested or brown-eyed, so Gal is fucking shit.

Carter was great. Fuck off.

They're both not that great to be honest. We'd need someone with lean muscle to play her like the Amazons in WW. They're muscular, but still relatively thin. Also Carter looks weird to me

what a faggot thread

>I know her from google images

jessica biel?

I give Captain Marvel, Wonder Woman a pass on that since their strength comes from Alien Tech or Magic. Muscle density isn’t required for either so as long as the girl has a good body and the costume is form fitting them I’m all up for it. Unfortunally, Marvel’s costume looks like shit and Wonder Woman looks like a skeleton.

Someone like Black Widow however, should have a body like Jessica Biel. Not woman skinny fat tier like Scarlett. Anymore muscles than that and you’re no better than trap fags fapping to boys that look like girls.