>Hollywood Physics


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Dwayne could do it



He's doing a long jump, he'll be fine




lol reminds me of that webm of spiderman jumping to a boat.



is that supposed to be impressive?
fast and furious already topped that like 10 times. another movie with the fucking rock.


Based Fast series BTFOing every other action movie.


Why is there only one conveniently broken window? I hope they explain this in the movie.

The car jump scene was ripped of from Black Moon Rising.

>Dwayne Johnson Skyscraper Summer

based portal poster




is it Die Hard 4 ?
Is there a trailer?


Why is he jumping INTO a burning building?

he's air dashing you idiot


You gotta throw your hat then jump on it

good one

>a hostage-action-thriller set in China
Do Chinks like dwayne?

>car doesn't detonate like a small thermonuke at end

I could make that jump if I wasn’t disabled


He would just land on the title then run and jump off that

/r/ing Tom Cruise breaking his ankle on the window, while Dwayne easily makes the jump.

The hot air from the fire will push him up into the window though

This might be what ends up happening, assuming they intend to film this moment.

>think hell be safe by jumping to the other tower
>second plane flies into that one too

not so litty now eh

I get it, excelent post

any reason this wouldn't work?

Isn't that director known for comedies? Maybe the trajectory's shit as a joke.

Yeah, maybe he can't swim?

Falling from that height into water is pretty much the same at that point as falling on concrete

not if you're really big.

that is just a myth

how would water know from what height you've fallen and how would it turn hard based on that knowledge?

That's like two miles away though, so a strong wind would have to blow him more sideways than down, so the rock skips

Underrated. People on this board have clearly never gotten their fatasses up to go skiing


Oh yes the most patrician of sports

It doesn't "see" anything idiot. The higher up you start falling the more air is compressed under you, which puts more pressure on the water thus making it subjectively harder.

then how come ducks don't splat when they land in water after flying really high up??

oh boy. Here we go.


You guys are retarded. I just did the math and if you estimate the jump to be about 18.5 by 10 feet, then you can determine how long it would take for gravity to drop him 10 feet, and then use that time to figure how fast he would need to run In order to cross the 18.5 door gap. And it turns out that speed is only 16 miles per hour (roughly), which is half as fast as the fastest human.

t. physics major

*18.5 foot gap

Fucking gay autocorrect on my phone doesn't think "foot" is a word. And I'm only posting on my phone because some asshurt mod doesn't know how to recognize pictures of celebrities and considered my thread off topic even though no one was replying to it and it was about to 404 anyway. Cunts.

That's not even remotely 18.5 feet. If he's roughly 6.5 feet tall that has to be over 30 feet. Someone flip him sideways and measure how many rocks across it is?

I used to mistakenly think that Down's Johnson would be someone who could perhaps at least emulate the 80's / 90's halcyon era of action stars... But he's revealed himself to be nothing but another cookie-cutter schlock merchant

It really speaks all it has to of society, when mind mushing meconium like this can be churned out at a near guaranteed profit

>let the final Great War of our species begin


Good lad.

Everyone who is LITTY likes Dwayne


If you estimate his width to be 4 feet, then the dimensions would 27 by 16 feet, but once you plug everything back in you find that these dimensions require an initial velocity of 18.4 mph, which is still realistic.

You've learned well, young padawan.

criminally underrated

Good thread!

Critics like you could never understand #litty

hell yeah

this is wrong
this is right

I’m glad this thread happened the first thing I thought of after seeing that cover was that he couldn’t make that jump.


I like this one

Bullshit, just keep your body straight and you'll be fine. Idiot.

>more air is compressed under you, which puts more pressure on the water thus making it subjectively harder.

Why are the buildings in the background so small, how fucking tall is that building and that crane?

I legitimately can't tell if this post is ironic or not.

>grenade boost.

I need to watch all this shit I'm like 4 movies behind.

>The higher up you start falling the more air is compressed under you, which puts more pressure on the water thus making it subjectively harder.

>t. Physics major


this is wrong
this is wrong

just google it idiots
actions have equal opposite reactions, force=mass×acceleration, and water doesn't change density through force
connect the dots brainlets


I wanna lick them pits.

>my doctorate in music from Harvard is more valuable than an associates degree in physics from a community college!

You guys realize they purposely made the physics wacky so they could reap viral shares of people making fun of it, right?
Nobody would think twice about this poster if the gap was smaller. It’s like those clever restauranteurs with the misspelled signs

How do you explain movies with mistakes in posters that don't do well?


oh man why am I laughing so much at this?

Vin Diesel makes movies so dumb it loops back into being kino.


I can't believe I've been missing this bollywood-tier madness.

i dont git it

kino af

let's figure this out

This is fucking genius


they did this shit in real life, too


He had a fast run up and jumped on a flat angle. Simple.

Question is... is Vince taller or shorter than Rock?

Aim for the Bushes 2: Skyscraper Boogaloo