You call him a meathead yet he's probably more educated than the vast majority of the planet...

You call him a meathead yet he's probably more educated than the vast majority of the planet. How many people on this planet have had 2-3 hour in depth conversations with as many hundred subject matter experts in various field as he has? To top it off, the guy is a top 10 in the world subject matter expert himself in MMA.

Other urls found in this thread:

He isn't a meathead. Meat is useful.

he would get high float and then destroy anyone posting in Sup Forums


Dullard plant

>showing PhD holders from around the world videos of deer getting their balls bitten off is in depth conversation


he's unironically more articulate than 99% of everyone on Sup Forums

Nigga please. This idiot is straight out of special-ed.

And he's a plant.

The Rock is stronger and smarter than him

If he had the intellect to challenge the people's ideas he has on then this might be impressive
the love-in that constitutes 99% of his podcasts requires little actual effort and is incredibly stale at this point

>he's probably more educated than the vast majority of the planet
This can be applied to nearly everyone in a first world country




ok joe


Is that Luis J Gomez?

we need a /yootoober/ board


why is Joe Rogan so based bros?


He's a plant. Not based. Not to be trusted.

That's why it's so sad. Joe is a retard who can barely keep up with conversations or have self awareness, but at the end of the day he's of above average intelligence.

Imagine that.

He can draw better than you too.

As much as I despise potheads and weed culture, he's right. Just legalize it so they can shut up already.

p sure hes an animal dog

that thing will tear you to shreds

>live by your states laws or leave

>Is the word ghettoize based on the word ghetto?

Joe doesn't deserve his success.

>Is is actually based on the term Ghetto
Jesus christ Joe

Everyone just hides the Black Panther and Star Wars threads right?

Joe is right about everything.

He's a liberal cuck who has done so many drugs that his brain is fried. His audience is made up of stoner losers that try to use his shitty quotes to articulate why weed should be legal or why you should go out and do dmt. He's a hack and a dumbass overall. He influences stupid people that come to conclusions by themselves, and his podcast is shit tier, it's the same thing repeatedly if you've heard a few episodes of it. If you really want to get an idea of the average intelligence of a joe rogan fan go check out some of those normiebook groups centered around his podcast. Fucking morons follow and listen to this guy.

>in depth conversations
Not particularly. It's obvious that Joe is kind of a moron who dosen't really understand anything and only sounds somewhat intelligent when repeating what someone else is saying (even if the guest is full of shit).

I've never been able to listen to more than five minutes of him at a time because his podcasts remind me too much of drunk idiots at a party who think they're discovering a breakthrough about philosophy. There's just too much to cringe at.

Joe Rogan is the Socrates of our generation.

People should listen to him more

He's a robot now. Whoever he has on, he justs lets his guest talk, when Joe hears a certain topic or buzzword he chimes in with one of about 15 repeated diatribes.



I don't get the Rogan hate on Sup Forums. He can be stupid, but I feel like Sup Forums have just watched supercuts of his worst moments from over 1000 podcasts. I generally enjoy his stuff. I do a lot of work where I'm on my own doing repetitive shit so I listen to over 15 hours of podcasts a week. I mainly listen to sports shit or movie review shows, but Rogan's content is great to pad out that time, given his consistent output.

As to whether he's intelligent or not, he's entertaining BECAUSE he usually doesn't know anything about what the guests are talking about. He's open-minded enough to listen to what his guests have to say and he's curious enough to ask the questions I'd usually want to for ask myself.

He sucks when he's talking about stuff like MMA and drugs, because they're what he knows about so he doesn't bother making it accessible to the average person.

You can get to that level pretty quickly though. It took me about a year of serious practice to be able to land a job in the business.

He's a retarded plant. What's hard to understand?

His shows are only as good as the guest because he really brings nothing to the table himself. He's kind of like a chameleon in that whatever the bent of his guest is he just goes with it. The only thing he will stand up and confront on in any meaningful way is anyone who tries to disagree with his weed. In any other case he seems to have no positions worth making any of his guests uncomfortable over.


Guest: You're being a bully

Joe: N-no I'm not!

These shills are getting more and more desperate and it's funny how obvious and bad at their jobs they are

Like it's blatantly clear that they aren't describing the actual podcast, which makes it pathetically obvious that the only thing they're trying to accomplish is discouraging other people from being exposed to it.

Like the disconnect from reality is apparent to anybody who's seen even a single episode, but that doesn't matter because those people are already a lost cause. So not sounding utterly retarded isn't the objective.

I can smell your shit on his dick through my computer screen.

>he's entertaining BECAUSE he usually doesn't know anything about what the guests are talking about.
Which seriously hurts the show for anyone with a functioning brain, or any amount of higher education. Joe lets a bunch of charlatans ramble about incorrect bullshit, and doesn't have the background (or team of researchers) to call them out on it. He's basically promoting misinformation, because he's giving it a platform and does nothing to challenge it.

As someone who actually works in a scientific field, I'm starting to think he's a serious harm to society. It's getting really tiring encountering so many people who say stupid shit and justify it with "hey, I heard on Joe Rogan..."

I don't get how you can listen to him that much and not hate him. He's just an idiot. He picks fights because he doesn't understand. He derails interesting conversation because he doesn't understand. I used to listen religiously and I can think of countless times he just didn't understand what was being said and it ruined the moment. The countless guests who realize "oh this guy is a dummy, i actually have to teach him 4th grade concepts before making my point". He got better in 2016 and 17 but now he's just as bad as he ever was. Autopilot. Even his MMA knowledge is dying. Says wrong shit constantly and lies on behalf of the UFC.

The only reason he is worth watching is because he gets a diverse set of minds who can speak freely and casually about anything. Not many other people do that.

His podcasts are shit, when I worked in North Dakota I listened to a bunch of them, well over a hundred. It's garbage and at best it's a time sink if you're a poorfag and you can't afford sirius or listen to anything better. The shills are the people talking positively about the show, it's literally nothing but liberal brainwashing.

>wew let's talk about the benefits of weed
>wew let's talk about the comedy greats
>whoah dude dmt can change your life
>joey diaz isn't a worthless beaner he's the best comedian ever like lol

fuck off, it's shit.

>Joe lets a bunch of charlatans ramble about incorrect bullshit, and doesn't have the background (or team of researchers) to call them out on it. He's basically promoting misinformation, because he's giving it a platform and does nothing to challenge it.
Fucking THIS.

If he had a fucking pair of balls he would let people call into the show, but he's a stupid meathead that doesn't want to be called out for being the literal retard that he is.

Joey Diaz is a tard, and if I hear one more person talk to me about "muh ayahuasca" I'll kill Joe myself.

>How dare you(sarcastically(not sarcastically))
>Ummm, honey, no.(sarcastically(not sarcastically))
>You're just one of those stupid right wing fucks(sarcastically(not sarcastically))

Who cares if he's a "liberal cuck" you Sup Forumstards, that's not an argument. He gives space and visibility to a bunch of right-wing people.

>Google [What the guest just said] debunked, Jaime.
>Looks like there's an article about how that is wrong. I guess I am right and you are wrong.
>Guest: But-
>Uhh, no. You were proven wrong.

Anyone would look fucking retarded if they had to talk to hundreds of different people about dozens of different topics. You just can't be an expert on everything.

Joe basically knows MMA, comedy and pot. I wouldn't be watching his videos for anything but entertainment.

>looks over to Jamie nervously

Steven Crowder is a bullshitter. His webpage didn't cite any sources.

>Joe Rogan has somehow had a career in Showbusness gor 15 years despite having zero discernable talent

He's a plant

Jamie just needs to shave his head because that looks ridiculous

he's a sports commentator

Stop saying this. It's a kneejerk defense that doesn't apply.

He has active trouble following along in conversation. He frequently has to have guests explain grade school level concepts to him, and he still has trouble. Sometimes this turns into hostility as Joe doesn't understand, things are not adding up for him, so he challenges the guest and even when the guest properly defends himself, Joe doesn't understand the defense so the hostility continues.

He was a game show hostbefore that. Despite having zero charisma.


>He frequently has to have guests explain grade school level concepts to him
Have you seen the people who watch his videos? It's necessary and especially so since he couldn't be well versed in that many topics even if he was smart.

He's not a plant he just lives in LA and continues to trust newsmedia. He literally reads CNN, WaPo and NYT every day and doesn't challenge the facts.

Stop pushing your meme.

He does that with every guest he disagrees with.

I agree user. What podcasts do you listen to?

He's a plant. PUHleeze.

Prove it, fucknuts.

He can't since he's lying.

I'd like to give him a fair chance to make a fool of himself even more .

He has said a dozens of fucking times

>hurr the best way to tell if something is fake or not is to google that thing and if the first suggestion is that thing debunked then its wrong

and he does it constantly to guests he clashes with.

Do you meme retards even watch the show?

I don't listen to any podcasts anymore because I got a day job and stopped working on the road doing 12+ hour days. I used to get a kick out of listening to coast 2 coast for the lulz (crazy people calling in is pretty entertaining) when art bell came back, but he cucked out and quit like a faggot.

Notthem, but I listened twice and could feel myself becoming stupider.


And yeah, he's almost definitely a plant.

Are you from facebook, grandma?

Prove that's what Joe/Jamie does you liar.

We heard you the entire thread grandpa. Fuck off already.

Facebook and Grandma in the same wedge! Bravo shill. Tell totally-not-a-plant Joe Rogan Sup Forums says hello.

What the heck I didn't know that either. Ghettos in my area generally just means usually low class, and the negative stuff connotative with that.

I'm not going through dozens of podcasts for the dozens of times he's done it. He's said that exact phrase while asking Jaime to google X debunked plenty in just 2017. I know I'm right and you just don't watch which makes you better off I guess.

Even if I were to do that you would just post a meme reply like the teen you are. I bet you already started typing up your meme reply before finishing reading this. Thread closed.

joe rogin

I had no idea he was so short, Jordan Peterson put a picture of them both on twitter the other day, and he towers over him.

He has interesting guests and is funny to listen to. He seems like a bro and got me into things I would have no idea interested me. Good podcast

So a plant and a manlet plant in conversation?

Just have a shake

>Jordan Peterson put a picture of them both on twitter

Yeah Rogan is a plant.

>can't find a single example

Most people on Sup Forums feel threatened when confronted to people that are manly, successful, intelligent, or good at literally anything.

One of the worst guests I have ever seen.

Why the fuck would you pull a gun mid interview? fucking Sam

he's pretty smart, smarter than me problem, but he has a few MAJOR flaws.

Mainly in his critical thinking, and also when to be critical and not to be as well. Basicaially lacking education. This is something you usually learn with any basic UNI/ higher education (Not muh frat american college, talking about real Universities around the world ), whatever the subejct; Art, economics, history, engineering, political science etc. Most UNIs will have introductionary courses on how we "absorb " information, how to site sources, what makes a good source and what makes a bad one and how to put GOOD sources of information up against each other to see pros and cons and with each one, and potential flaws.

For all his "making fun of flat earthers" joe is really bad at this shit and being analytical. He'll take "cool" facts for valid as long they sound a liiittle logical. He'll also question totally undebatable / proven areas with this weird ""trying to sound critical and nuanced"" manner, like he'll go about the moon landing "used to think it's fake, don't anymore BUUT there's something about the pictures there, i don't know, something not right, that's for sure, but yeah i think we went there"

trying to be reflective and all, and in the same breath he'll go "DID YOU KNOW coyotes multiple when you kill one?KIll one, four more pops up, insane!" is TRUE!"

He’s a drug addict

Amusing since Joe is a closeted bi or gay. He screws twinks and trannies on the side.

I liked joes face when sam cocked it and a chambered round was spat out.

I can't believe this is what passes for 'based genius of our time'

>You call him a meathead yet he's probably more educated than the vast majority of the planet
His educators are Young Turks, that whore from RT, and the Smart man for dumb people, Jordan Peterson

He's retarded.

He conquered his inner bitch and stopped watching Young Cucks, though.

he got rid of one of the like, five different political forces that are making him retarded

he still has no hope since there are so many left

Teenager spotted.


shit got me peterson! i didnt slay the dragon with that post thats for sure!

You forgot to add his expertise at bottoming and sucking muscular bear cock.