what is it with this show and autistic retarded spellings? it's dragon. DRAGON.
what is it with this show and autistic retarded spellings? it's dragon. DRAGON.
Drogon is his name silly! ;D
He's named after Khal Drogo, Dany's ex-husband.
thats a wyvern though
that's a wyvern
but that's a wyvern, not a dragon!
This is true, but when a book calls a dragon a "wyrm" I pee my pants
you must be so proud to be spewing a retard-tier Sup Forums joke all over this board
fuck you and fuck your unoriginal humor
that's a wyvern though
Whats the women in the bible called who lays with dragons doesn't she fucked the world up or something
you are a retard and you don‘t even have an idea of the subject matter you are complaining about.
Drogon is named after her dead husband who was Khal Drogo
>knights aren't sir but ser
Whore of Babylon
Drogon is the name of the Dragon, you retard.
>when you call the fellbeasts from LOTR “dragons” and watch the autists throw a shitfit
Why would you call a dragon drogon. That's like naming your horse harse.
Retardedism is strong in the thread.
Anyways, GRRM always changes spelling around to make his stuff seem more out there. Peter is Petyr, John is Jon, Sir is Ser, Kevin is Kevan.
So she took the name Drogo, and combined it with the word "dragon" to make the final immortalization of his name a cheap pun? Isn't that kind of disrespectful?
Why are dragons so lewd?
>mispells dragon as drogon
>is a wyvern anyway
what did they mean by this?
She did the same with her brothers as well. Viserys became Viserion, Rhaegar became Rhaegal. Keep in mind she's 14 or so when she names them.
John is Jon
nope that's a drider
>horde of skilled, lightly armed horsemen
>no it's not khan, it's KHAL
bravo george