Why was Frodo immune to the rings influence?

Why was Frodo immune to the rings influence?

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he wasnt retard

he is mary sue

He wasn't.

He wasn’t. He resisted it better than most, but it got to him by the end of the third film.

he was too dumb and too pure to be powerfu


he didn't drop the ring though the other retard bit his finger off

He wasn't immune; however the ring's influence is to amplify ones lust for power; and in a Hobbit's case this is a very tiny lust indeed.

Tell that to Smeagol

The river folk were not hobbits per se.

This thing wanted power?

Power over the ring at the very least.

They weren´t?
"The first volume of The Lord of the Rings, explains that Gollum's real name was Sméagol, and he had once been a member of the secluded branch of the early Stoorish Hobbits."

Great thread OP.

not a hobbit
also he had it for much longer

He wasn't. Samwise was so pure and good that he easily resisted the ring's power. Faramir (book version, not movie) also wanted nothing to do with the ring, when he said:

>But fear no more! I would not take this thing, if it lay by the highway. Not were Minas Tirith falling in ruin and I alone could save her, so, using the weapon of the Dark Lord for her good and my glory. No, I do not wish for such triumphs, Frodo son of Drogo


He's not, but the hobbit's content lives made them less susceptible.

They're counted among the three "branches" of Hobbits but the word literally means "hole dweller" and the Stoors lived mostly on the water.

He wasn't immune.

He's a hobbit a tiny insignificant creature in Middle Earth.

He had the ring for hundreds of years and used its powers a shit ton. Frodo had it for all of a few weeks, had supervision, and used it a few times


Billbo was a hobbit

>a few weeks
He had it for years

All Bilbo wanted was his rug back.

What I got from it was, Frodo was a moron who still fell under the ring's spell, and Samwise was the actual hero of the story.

Also they had to bookend the series with Samwise X barmaid because the rest of the story makes him look really, REALLY gay for Frodo.

Why did Isialidoor turn invisible when he put on the ring at the beginging of Lord of Rings? I thot only hobits turn invisble

Something something ring reads your desires

He wanted to be invisible.

Is there ever any indication how long the journey took?
It was definitely longer than a few weeks though.

not canon

In the books yes in the movies you more have to realize travel times and how long they spend in places like Rivendell

so everytime somone puts the ring on they want to go invisible? thats dumb

So, that automatically makes them non Hobbits? If so, are White people with brown eyes and hair not White because they´re not blonde and blue-eyed?
"Sméagol was a Hobbit of Stoor-kind who lived on the banks of the Anduin in the later Third Age. These Hobbits had migrated to the Gladden Fields and became a riverland people under a Matriarch. Sméagol was the Matriarch's grandson and spent the early years of his life living with his extended family during the Watchful Peace, when Sauron was in the East."
Doesn´t change that he was a Hobbit that got corrupted easily when Deagol found the ring
After Deagol found it he hilled him just for looking at it, so, Hobbits are not less vulnerable

why didn't Gollum take the ring back to Sauron?

No, it does whatever you want it to do.


fuck off. Hobbits aren't a race they're a culture. Calling Smeagol a hobbit is like calling someone from Iceland Swedish just because they're both white

>If so, are White people with brown eyes and hair not White because they´re not blonde and blue-eyed?
For my money the only truly white people are the ones descended from the Chalcolithic chariot horsemen who conquered ancient Europe in the neolithic.

>If so, are White people with brown eyes and hair not White because they´re not blonde and blue-eyed?
Why do you have to ask such a question on Sup Forums? Do you not know the kind of answers you will get?

He wanted it more.

Hobbits are very strong mentally. They're physically small and weak but at their mental core they're simple people who just want to relax with friends and family and live a quiet life. This makes them ideally resistant to the ring's effects. In the books, when Sam put on the ring (or was tempted by it, I haven't read TTT or ROTK in a while) his first vision was of "Sam the Gardener", a noble king who turned the wastelands of Mordor into fertile farmland. That's the perspective that hobbits are coming from, and that's why Frodo was the perfect ringbearer (although even he failed in the end).

Smeagol is from a race that was more or less part of the hobbit ancestry. Nobody ever says he was literally a hobbit, only that he wasn't so different from them.

Just had to go out there and execute.

>Hobbits aren't a race they're a culture

"Hobbits were a small RACE that typically dwelt underground, believed to be related to Men. They played little role in history, save during the War of the Ring."
Sorry, but White people that conquered Europe had different physical characteristics, including brown eyes and hair, see pic related
See pic related as well, all of them are White

He only succumbed at the very end where the ring was strongest. Even Elrond "the cuck" Halfelven would've given in by then.

And? I maintain that those specific people ARE the "Aryan race" and the only truly white ones. Phenotypical differences that evolved later are merely attractive and interesting.

lmao did you watch the film?

There are other group caled "caucasians", they share the same skull structure as Whites, but they cannot be called White at all, still, doesn´t change the fact that the Hobbits are a race

Hobbits are just tiny little men.

>I thot only hobits turn invisble
all normal mortals do. it's basically just a side effect though, you're meant to use it for completely different things.

And East Asians are just men with different bone structures and appereances, but that doesn´t stop them from being a different race than Whites, right?

he certainly had greed he killed his best friend to get it

>Samwise was the actual hero of the story.
Sam probably would've succumbed too, if he was actually carrying it. Frodo took the largest brunt of the Ring's corruption, which allowed Sam to stay relatively unscathed and support him. Neither could've done it without the other.

The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings (books and movies) made it very clear that hobbits are less susceptible to the greed that controls other races. They're not perfect (Bilbo with the Arkenstone) but they are more "pure", a hobbit would rather have friends over for a nice dinner every weekend than a bunch of jewels in a vault. It's a very simple message that Tolkien states plainly in The Hobbit on Thorin's deathbead, I think it was something along the lines of "if more of us loved food and cheer instead of hoarding gold it would be a happier world". They're strong in ways that great heroes like Aragorn, Gandalf, Gimli, Legolas, etc. can never come close to.



Frodo had the ring for 17.5 years (September 3001 - March 3019).

>Is there ever any indication how long the journey took?
The journey took more than a year. The Hobbits return to the Shire "thirteen months to the day" since they left.

>because the rest of the story makes him look really, REALLY gay for Frodo.
Remember that Tolkien wrote this in the first half of the 20th century. Male culture was really, really "gay" back then because homosexuality wasn't considered to be an option for any man. So there were a lot of very close male friendships that make modern "bromances" look like nothing. You see the same thing today in cultures where being gay is forbidden. In Arab countries, for example, where being a homosexual can literally lead to you being thrown in prison and/or executed, it is very common for men to hold hands or kiss each other on the cheek. Sam looks "really gay for Frodo" by modern standards. Not by the standards of Tolkien's time.

>The Hobbits return to the Shire "thirteen months to the day" since they left.
Not according to Appendix B of ROTK. They left Hobbiton on 23 September 3018 and returned on 2 November 3019. But "13 months" sounds nicer.

16 of those years it was locked in Bag End

>Why was Frodo immune to the rings influence?
>Posts the scene where Frodo succumbs to its power

why didn't frodo just hide the ring up his bumhole?

He was afraid Sam would find it.

alright, David Goldstein



Hobbits are more pure than the other races. They do not find happiness in controlling others, being a King or even being wealthy.
They like the simple things in life such as food, drink and a nice home at the end of the day to rest your head.

Worked for my watch.