Find a flaw.
Find a flaw
For some reason the guy thought he could execute a 100 foot drop onto frozen ground without breaking any bones.
Oh look another gimmick movie.
The only reason the story happens is because the main characters are stupid. That's always a sign of bad writing.
Also, ski resorts are *extremely* paranoid about leaving people on chairlifts before shutting them down for the night. Typically, they'll put a traffic cone on one of the chairs and wait for it to come back around before they turn the lifts off.
Maybe something like this happened for them to be so paranoid?
There have been cases of it happening in the past, and ski resorts have gotten sued over it. So it's almost unheard of it to happen today.
t. ski resort pro
Actually, I've never worked at a ski resort. However, I am an avid snowboarder and some of my friends have worked as lifties.
It has happened several times. Doesn't mean it cant ever happen again. The premise of this movie is real.
> jump down to soft snow
> inb4 break legs
> climb up/down the fucking wire or use a belt or something or hug it while crawling w/e
Well fuck you then freeze on the fucking seat you cunt
Basically this The whole story opens up so many fucking questions.
1. Why did the parents lock Elsa up for years with no human contact? Why did they think that would help her?
2. Why did they remove Anna's memory of magic when they could have left her memory of the accident and dying so Anna would be more careful in the future?
3. Why did Olaf want to be in summer when he would melt as a snowman? Was he unaware of what the sun did? If he didn't get what it was, why did he crave it so much?
Just the ones I think of
>wait at top of lift
>jump on lift after cone goes down considerable amount
>sue for billions
Elsa and Ana aren't naked and making out
Funny story guys
>be me
>7 years old and always opening the lift bar too early
>lift stops short
>I slide off, but manage to grab a hold of the seat
>my twin brother is trying to pull me up, random adult in the middle is just watching like a retard
>I lost my grip, fall 10 feet onto a rock and break my pelvis
It sucked but I gotta read comics and watch tv in the hospital for ten days straight
>>be me
as appose to who reddit ?
what are you on about, their like fifty feet up in the air, of course it would break your legs if it didn't kill you and yeah the wire is literally razor sharp, your clothes and hands would be cut through like butter.
Your a retarded faggot.
>literally razor sharp
More like find a thaw
Often, people start greentexts that aren't about themselves, and are from the perspective of certain characters. So greentexts always start with ">be [whatever]," and it's generally ">be me" because people here like to be themselves. You'd know that if you weren't a newfag
1. They tried to suppress her abilities, that was dumb and obviously backfired.
2. Watch this scene again - it was part of the ritual.
3. He was unaware for sure. Maybe heard of it from some strangers and didn't truly grasp possible dangers. As you may see, he wasn't necessarily the brightest one.
this isnt true
check out that faggot YMS-s review of this terd sandwich
he did a lot of research proving a lot of shit in the movie is absolute horsepoo
Time to stop posting reddit
Snowman played by a nigger
For one thing, he doesn't appear to understand how ski lifts work, judging from that poster
none of these assholes have a cell phone?
Is it another of those Disney live action remakes?
>Dude, what if we use razor wire to move these ski chairs instead of a normal metal cable.
The film was shot at a real ski resort and the stuntman who climbed on the cables had to wear specialized gloves because the wires really did cut into his hand.
All of it
you didn't HAVE to read those comics and watch the T.V, dummy