When did you realize Hollywood is just a bunch of greedy corporations?
When did you realize Hollywood is just a bunch of greedy corporations?
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probably like right after i was born or something my dude
In utero.
>Not a single frame was shot in Africa.
>The movie was mostly shot in Atlanta
I'm getting mixed signals.
So regarding #StarWars. Not a single frame was shot in space. The movie was mostly shot in Tunisia and the UK. The Yavin scenes were filmed in Guatamala. So much for alien pride.
>it's not black enough, it needs to be African black
The inferioriry complex is too much
>Nogs investing so much of their race in this one movie made by jews
>Based on a kids comic created by 2 jews
Hahaha holy shit.
Atlanta is basically Africa.
you're leaving out the part where all the black people make fun of him
but of course lt your superior race feel good about this
When did you realize Disney and Reddit shills have taken over Sup Forums?