

Why is she considered the epitome of Hollywood beauty?

What's the score for her?

dutch hunger winter

look it up

Only gays and women consider Hepburn the epitome of beauty. Because she's "natural" and had "inner beauty" blah blah blah.

she just maxed the qt setting

why is this considered the scale for hollywood beaty?


try with that "MeToo" creator

Because Hollywood doesn't use algorithms created by people who don't have sex

This. shes nothing more than average

Wow that was really interesting. Thanks, user.

I don't know how to tell you this op, so I'll be blunt; you're an absolute faggot and you should just go suck a cock.


joker was right

who could be behind this scale?

she was never very attractive and shouldn't have been famous

Hello pretty!


>Only gays and women consider Hepburn the epitome of beauty.

nah I've seen plenty circle jerks about her on Sup Forums throughout the years

yea nothing like john boyega he's a stud

Who wrote this?
Shot him/her.
Probably her

more like 56%

>algorithms do not lie....


normal foreheads

small forehead

the person who wrote this really likes massive foreheads

I'm surprised it recognised her as human. Try a gorilla for reference.


She's the soyboy waifu.

>Only gays and women consider Hepburn the epitome of beauty. Because she's "natural" and had "inner beauty" blah blah blah.
You're that faggot who thinks Monroe is better aren't you?


she is btw

would be more with symetrical face

>no gender

I don’t care if this is shopped it’s pretty fucking funny lol

>implying she isn't

You do realize if you went out on the street and started asking people who they consider the "epitome of Hollywood beauty" far more would think of Monroe than Hepburn, right? It's mostly fashion people who push Hepburn as the ideal.

reminds me of this shit

I got 88% in this shit and I'm an ugly fuck

obviously bullshit when it gives me 73% and I'm a 4 on a good day.

But you are a well proportioned ugly fuck

>You'll never spend a night together in Paris
Ingrid Bergman may not be the most attractive star actress that Hollywood has ever produced, but she's in the top 10 easily.