Harvey tried to rape me

>Harvey tried to rape me

>fists clenched
>wrists being held
>leaning back, clearly trying to create distance
>wide-eyed like she's about to be killed
>most nervous smile to ever be captured on camera
she totally wants to bang my dude


they were best bros for awhile


she likes to turn on the men that have treated her well

inb4 Uma comes out and says "hey this article is bullshit! yeah the crash happened, but it wasn't that bad".
would be even funnier if it was Rose McGowan pretending to be Uma due to getting into deep shit with the trannies.

Every picture I see of Jay Z he has that "my feet hurt" look on his face

Sexy dungeon Jew


These actresses are the salt of the earth, I tell you. To go to a man's hotel room with such a pure heart... ah, I'm tearing up just thinking how rude they were awakened to the realities of this world.

You think it's their fault?

It's terrible.
Those hundreds of vaginal/anal penetrations with random strangers must never have prepared them for the absolute horror of having a fat jew spurt a small amount of jizz in their general direction.


based harv with the arm grab

you know she called him daddy

I would if I could. This guy is a hero he used them but probably those girls used him too. What kind of guy would not do the same in his position.

trying to fuck them is understandable. blacklisting them if they refuse is rude

If it’s what you have to do to get them fuck you as a fat Jew you know what is pretty much a win win situation whatever happen in the future it will not matter since they can’t unfuck you or whatever story of sadness and shit will be like nothing since he can go to his island and fuck some new upcoming actress.

based Jews

I hope they keep raping these sluts

inb4 some wk defends women who would be repulsed by him

If he was a chad none of these bitches would have even thought what he did was wrong.

Yeah right

And yet she seems to have gotten all the roles, she's in everything.


you two really believe they 'evaded' him?

he fucked them all, for years on end.

you think the deal was 'you don't wanna fuck? well of course the role is still yours!"

Why does he HAVE to fuck those particular women though? It's not like there's a shortage of hot women who would willingly suck his dick for roles.

Bottom line. They were disgusted by him and ashamed for slutting themselves out to that ugly fat fuck. Now they can play the victim card and be forgiven by soyburgerland and allow the fat ugly guy to take the fall just because of his mediocre looks. These women are just as predatory going after harvey and that indian actor guy because they're weak, ugly and/or unassuming men. Hollywood is shallow as fuck. Always was. Always will be.

Forced to work together != best bros

I think Uma is the exception to all of this. Harvey's a creep and she told him no and he persisted and she had to smile and act nice and promote Kill Bill while fighting him off. I unironically mostly believe this one.

>me near the pillar

It warms my heart knowing this fat greasy kike slammed HUNDREDS of dumb whores.

Don't want to get ass fucked by a soulless 400 pound kike? Stick to being a waitress.

Imagine being on THAT side of the seat next to this guy. lmao

Considering she is unironically into Satanism I think she would have done whatever he asked haha.

He's not that heavy

>tfw this jabba the hut kike got to fuck top tier hollywood pussy

This. They unironically just have remorse they weren't fugging a chad.

He should be.

I love reading the revenge porn of all you impotent carcasses that will die unknown to probably even the people around them.

You're all suffering in such a grand style. I can just soak in your childish impotence.

delete this only one thats pissed me off lmaoo

That’s what I don’t get. In his position he must have a lot of women who’d be willing to fuck him for roles. If not he has enough money for classy escorts. Why did he NEED to go around being rapey? It’s fucking stupid.

What did he mean by this?

I think it is or was extremely common in the film and theatre industry for actresses/actors to sleep with higher ups, iirc Denise Richards started as a high class hooker and got roles from producer clients, not a peep has been heard from her or mostly any of the other girls who had good relations with wienstien.

The difference is he is obviously a psycho and fucked with the girls, was brutish and bullied them so the hate him.

Couple of points, user. First, I doubt you are some kind of Adonis yourself. Second, Harvey had money and power, the true measure of an alpha HUMAN male.

Hey Harvey how’s rape exile going

Sometimes I imagine myself in his situation what I have done to this whores that wanted to be famous it will not matter if I got caught since I’m a Jew that have other Jews helping me I will laught it at the end but those girls will be in the worst position since they are known to fuck their bosses.

How's Hollywood treating you then?

he will die fat, happy, and rich. i'd actually be surprised if charges were ever brought against him. a tarnished reputation means shit once youre dead so i dont think he will care after a few years about all of this. he got a bunch of pussy from literal 10s and made billions doing it. i mean yeah he is a scumbag but he literally probably doesnt give a shit at this point