Holy based!

Holy based!

>black panther presales are really good!
>btw everyone is getting a free ticket

The mouse is shilling this movie hardcore

>marvel movie

>a few hundred students are getting free tickets
Damn.........................Now I see why everyone respects Sup Forums as a bastion of intellect and rational thought!


Gibs me dat

no one... brought up jews at all.

>few hundred

Ding-dong diddly finna based

Those sons of a bitch. Got to admire their shenanigans.

what are you doing

So these are what 100% faces look like. Interesting.

I thought Harlem had been gentrified to fuck.

This, it's so unbelievably over for westcucks

that's White Harlem

How come whites aren't encouraged and praised for taking interest in their own race and history?

>Trump up!

this movie is like the get out + wonder woman of 2018

We are though, schools are always talking about Shakespeare and Mozart and love kids who show an interest in it. And basically every history class I took until college was white with the exception of world history (Europe and Asia almost exclusively) and the Iroquois Confederacy (because it was Central NY).

>black history month
>see fictional film