Just letting everyone know i'm about to watch this for the first time

just letting everyone know i'm about to watch this for the first time

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Don't waste your time. Life is too short.

It's overhyped and slow
Read the book

nigga you go back to watching your capeshit if you can't handle the length with your ADHD.
stop consuming too much soy, boy

what movie?


It's very slow and overlong but still an amazing film if you enjoy philosophical discourse. If you don't, then good luck sitting through this one.

Have patience. View it as a moving painting.

Let me guess, your favorite film is "Blade Runner 2049"?
Pursuer (Tarkovsky, 1979). Baby's first arthouse film that somehow newfags like yourself haven't seen.

>hurrdurrdurr memes
>but im rly smart i sware

Can i even watch this on a not-theatre screen? I saw BR2049 on the largest screen in my state and it would definitely not have the same impact if I saw it on a tv.

Definitely. The cinematography isn't as important imo.

I'd check local college theaters, mine showed this last year and I regret not going so badly


>just letting everyone know i'm about to watch this for the first time
that is a perfect summary of this movie

Just because you bear through a long boring movie just because someone told you it has some deep meaning doesn't make you smart.

You need to see it in theater user
I literally just watched this for the first time today in theater, I live right next to an arthouse kinoplex and have had the great pleasure of seeing 2001 (which was such a treat in theater) and Eraserhead and other such kinos up on the big screen.
This movie was grueling but in a good way, the tension was sinister and palpable, and the monologues were amazing. I felt like looking up the script afterwards to further digest the conversations. Its cinematography is mesmerizing, and I don't feel like it would have the same effect at all on a small screen, unless you are fortunate enough to have a bigass TV and sound system.
Watching this on a laptop and headphones would suck dick

Don't be a puppet.
Anyways enjoy I liked the movie

What a true failure of cinema, Tarkovsky was a true hack.


Andrei Rublev>Nostalgia>The Mirror>The Sacrifice>Stalker>Solaris>Ivan’s Childhood

I don't know how objectively you can rank his films, but Ivan’s Childhood certainly isn't his worst.

Well that is just my own subjective ranking. Either way I don’t hate Ivan’s Childhood, I just find it to be his weakest.

>"The film [Stalker] needs to be slower and duller at the start so that the viewers who walked into the wrong theatre have time to leave before the main action starts.”
Is he /ourguy/?

I agree with this

He’s the greatest

in what order should i watch tarkovsky movies? i have already watched stalker

alphabetical it's the only true way

but use the russian alphabet, or ukranian for hard mode