I would be angry as well if someone made me rich and famous in exchange for sex


in 2018 the general concensus is that women should be made rich and famous for nothing, however you must pretend they did and are still doing, something amazing.

She's in on it


why is she so angry in that pic?

ugliest man alive

Honestly, her story about Tarantino was fine, especially with how fucked up the car crash thing is.

The reason I despise the article is how Dowd tries to make it into a #MeToo thing about Weinstein instead when that barely comes into it at all. Also the shit jokes at the beginning of an article like this. Dowd is such a fucking hack


And that's a good thing

She has no reason to be angry. shes a whore, she sold her rights when she entered Hollywood, was probably in the fine print in her first contract.