This is your daily reminder that no other series will come close to surpassing the kino that is Lord of the Rings. Not Star Shit, not Game of Shit, and not Capeshit. What was accomplished by Peter Jackson and co. will never be repeated.
This is your daily reminder that no other series will come close to surpassing the kino that is Lord of the Rings...
You forgot to add:
I'm introducing my 11 year old brother to the is kino, we are watching one every week and already watched TFOT and 2T. He is feeling the same i felt when my mother introduced me to this wonderful world. It's an unparalleled experience to introduce someone to these movies.
yep and this will be true until the end of Kino
My greatest fear is sometime in the near future, they decide to remake them with all the faults and issues the current climate of films have and ruin it.
>no people of color
>no strong female leads
>white male power fantasy
thank god we wont be seeing anything like it ever again, lotr is on the wrong side of history and should be consigned to the grave
peter jackson is a hack
Man I re-watched it recently, forgot good it was especially compared to shit like Game of Thrones and the stuff people try to compare to it in recent memory.
Game of Thrones is better