What are examples of microagressions in comics?

What are examples of microagressions in comics?

Reading Marvel comics is self-inflicted microaggression.

Everything Ant-Man does

Do Yellow heroes fight only Yellow Villains?
Though come to think of it, most Yellow heroes are just mutants.


Kamala is cool again.
I stopped with civil war. What do I avoid to get away from her event shit?

>Ms. Paki

Pakistan is in Asia, but I do agree that she is out of place when the rest of the group is very specifically East Asian.

Zero, because microaggressions are something Liberals made up so they would have another thing to complain about.

You know depending on your faction there is at least 30% chance of their being a Kaiju attack

This shit jokes don't even make sense, the Mandarin was an Iron Man villain, and everyone knows that Daredevil has a monopoly on ninjas and ninja-related villains.

Why is Fin Fang Foom naked? Where the hell are his pants?!

Why would a dragon need pants. That's just silly

Why is this dirty mutie attacking this poor dragon farmer?


How to lose your audience in one dialogue line.

I feel dumber just reading that garbage...

And why the fuck is silk there, isn't she as old as Peter?

>being bad at math is a negative stereotype

I guess higher test scores and a higher job placement rate are negatives too. Although if we're counting statistics as stereotypes, then blacks get fucked again.

She really reads young. Even in her original appearances she was really immature.

>not "That guy was the WORST!"

Underrated post.

sand niggers are calling themselves "asians" based on a geographic technicality just so they can hope to absorb some of those positive traits.

It's like when white europeans say they're the most intelligence because of Ashkenazi Jews

Underrated post




Marvel used to be good.

positive stereotypes can also be harmful
>everyone assumes you're good at math
>if you aren't, you REALLY stand out
>you are now the one asian that is bad at math

Also Mole Man typically attacks with giant monsters


Is this another six issue movie pitch by Ennis?

Is this the same guy who beats people to death with his balls?

Bah dum psh

You're a gay?

>does a better job at rep and sj than the pages in the OP
>actually likable and funny
>moves the plot along


Microaggression is like when the waiter spits in your coffee. It's not a new word.

No that's an actual aggression.

Poor Shangi Chi has to listen to these whining children.

I used to be a poor starving artist because I was stupid enough to buy into the art school scam. People would give me shit thinking I was being a cheap penny pinching gook when i actually had no money to begin with. I've almost been cheated with markups countless times because some asshole thought I was rich.

Barracuda, and yes.

Fuck what I would give for a Barracuda/Russian team up story. Those two guys working a job together would be amazing.

She was locked away for about a decade straight out of high school.

Microaggression is more like the waiter going "and i'm guessing a grape soda and hot wings for tyrone there" to your black friend

They didn't hit you nor are you harmed. How is it an aggression?

You can get fucking sick.

Wait is this where Cindy's been since she got cancelled? Hanging out with people like 15 years younger than her?

spitting in food is considered assault by legal definition. Passive aggressiveness like being a rude waiter crosses the line when you fuck with their food..

Reminds me of a stupid thing Marvel themselves did

An Infinity tie-in featured the students and staff of different superhero schools.
There was Avengers Academy, with Hank Pym and Tigra.
The Braddock Academy, with Meggan.
And an all-new Asian school run by Jimmy Woo, American citizen and head of an international (and formerly-criminal) organization.

>kaiju attack
Wasn't there really a monster island that sent Kaijus to Japan in the Marvel universe? Pretty sure there was an issue of Claremont X-Men about that and the military branch that was supposed to defend against those.

there's only like five people on the planet who remember that Cindy is the same age as Peter and not a teenager. none of them work at marvel

Her writer got fired too? Granted I don't think I heard about them getting another book.
People probably think she's Spider-gwen age.

Oh all the fucking time.

I can really tell this was written by asian americans because most of their experienced oppression are just putting words into other people's mouths and nit-picking about how asian-americans are statistically well-to-do people. They sound exactly how some of my friends sound.

I just really like Armor


And this character is now treated as just one of many children in need of protection.

Absolutely breaks me in two. Those kids went through hell and back. Veteran X-men don't have the combat record they have

Still too direct. A micro aggression would be handing all his white friends their menus and handing Tyrone the dollar menu.

There was a time when spitting in someone's food was enough of an offense they could legally challenge you to a duel to the death.


You know what, Armor is cool.

You could do a lot of fun things with her powers.


They are in America. It's about population.

I like Stardrive.

It was around that issue I realized that Champions was going to be a soapbox comic. I was really digging it, and enjoyed the whole Asian Hulk story.

Microaggressions aren't as big as a deal as a lot of people make them out to be but they exist


Don't forget that the other teacher at the Asian school was Sanjar Javeed, one of Apocalypse's Horsemen of Death

>What are examples of microagressions in comics?

Fuck you.

I hope you die, hopefully of cancer, or maybe burned alive.

How you like that microaggression, you gutless, useless, feckless idiot?

You know, with that mask, Silk really does look like a ninja, doesn't she?

>less than 6% of US population
>not a minority

Ninjas are also incredibly common, and mostly Japanese (except Daredevil).

Asians got it good, don't see why they'd get upset over something as inoffensive as being good at math

>Some other race


Ayys have had it too good for too long!

I think there's an "Other" option on the US census or something

she's been shit since Secret Wars

Damn, Hawaiians are doing pretty good.

And Psylocke. kinda. Oh and I guess Elektra's greek isn't she.

Funny thing is if they would ever receive their own movies, they would have ninjas and kung fu gurus because asians actually love that shit and plenty of Hollywood films think of them as a sizable market.

Like all the "Kung Fu school" tourist traps in China, they aren't tourist traps for foreigners, they are mainly tourist traps for chinese children and city folk.

yeah. There's a reason fucking every single one of their super heroes is a sentai martial artist and it's not the US

Technically Wolverine.

That's just aggression.

That's not a real thing.

>Americans think everything is about them
I wish I could say I'm shocked.

Why cant they shut up about racial identity. Sorry, but sterotypes are typically based in facts, i know that triggers your soecial snowflake ideals but your race will typically determine your personality type. God, i hate millennials.

Because they're mostly 2nd or 3rd generation Immigrants who feel the need to double down on the Minority argument because they cannot grasp the concept that they're not unique people in a world designed to cater to them.

That's definitely a macroaggression.


I was certain I was browsing a Tibethan basketweaving forum and not visiting a nursery

If you're reduced to complaining about something that is literally called a micro-aggression, you probably aren't oppressed

does anyone have the pic with all the alt marvel heroes , like black cap, female iron man, thor and the pregnant spierwoman i think. need it to prove a point


What's this from? I just get /tg/ links.

the whole point of them is that they're happening constantly and are often overlooked by the people not experiencing them. also, they don't magically stop larger aggressions


How do microagressions cause larger aggressions?

i never said they did

>the whole point of them is that they're happening constantly and are often overlooked by the people not experiencing them.
Yeah, it's called having thick skin.

No. It's called not experiencing them.

Walk up to a black person and ask them about microagressions.
There's a good chance they won't know what you're talking about unless you explained it to them.

Humans are designed to brush of micro anything.

OP'S image is from TAH, not Champions.


>geographic technicality

Asia is a big-ass continent and its not a "technicality" that India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria, etc... are Asian, they *are* in Asia.

The problem comes when dumbass kids such as yourself with no concept of geography stumble across something that seems wrong to your simplistic assumptions of the world.

In all fairness, in America "asian" tends to be synonymous with the mongolian ethnic group precisely because so many other people are geographical morons with you.

("Oriental" isn't right either, it doesn't specifically mean the eastern ethnic groups such as chinese, japanese, korean. Oriental just means eastern, which includes India and Pakistan and the rest, it *is* synonymous with Asia)

I will agree with you that SJW-types will interchangeably use the confusion over "Asian" when it best suits their program.

Well... wats wrong with that??? I mean, if the hero is asian he has to have at least 25% ninja