Alright Sup Forums, how do we kill Steven Universe?

Alright Sup Forums, how do we kill Steven Universe?

sink it deeper into the SJW sea and start demanding genderfluid bullshit.

CN's scheduling has already killed it

Trap him in a room full of crisco, he'll do it himself.

Break his heart. Or just break mine with this shitty scheduling.


Let's be real


put him in a glass box, tell him he's a poopyhead and watch his tears fill up in the box let him drown in his tears.

THE HEART, user.

More Reboots.

Don't worry Steven I would handle the Diamonds

Continue to kill townies individually until Steven surrenders and commits suicide through virtue. Hijack all broadcasts on Earth to televise the torture, dismemberment, and execution of every townie and human, until Steven is so demoralized he accepts defeat.

>psh, nothing personnel kid

Lars as Harlock makes absolutely no sense.

Stop paying attention to it, or anyone who brings it up, ever. Ignore the problem and it will go away.

the next time we see Lars he is in a throne surrender by pearls in princes Leia outfit

>"We made an extremely shitty character that has no redeeming qualities or entertainment value, quick, how do we reverse this?"

Lars became a leader to the off-colors in weeks to what the crystal gems were trying to teach steven ever since he moved in with the gems.

And they still dont want to age steven up.

He pulled a sniper scene just because someone made fun of his drawings. Don't give him the trauma fuel he needs to go full gem tetsuo.

>Worst boy was actually best boy all along

I don't know how to reconcile this internally. Shit has me real fucked up phamily.

If he backs down, then he pledges loyalty, if he wants to die he can climb up the stairs.

The character or the show?

And is anyone else having images bug out like crazy?

Same way Rose Quartz died. We have to impregnate him. Anybody know how to make humans pregnant?

Isn't Harlock a toxic masculine character anyway?

make this happen please

>t. Alone Together

Just take a gun and shoot him in the head!

pic unrelated

And for about the beginning episodes we will go back to slice-of-life.

Not really because Emeralda is a genderflip of him running around in the same universe so it balances it out.

Can't he use his shield to block it though?

I actually saw a tumblr post claiming Steven Universe is shit now because a man had to become the leader of the offcolors.

Doesn't YD have electrokinesis? Why doesn't she just go to earth herself and fry Steven?

Just let it run its course.

Yeah, no. We're calling the professionals for that job.

I think she has gem destabilization powers that just look like thunderbolts. The same way a handheld gem destabilizer looks like a weird tazer.

The show is already killing itself. People are dropping it in droves because they're sick of nothing going anywhere, sick of it constantly ignoring the staggering number of dangling plot threads and unanswered questions, and sick of it incessantly breaking its own momentum by lapsing back into slice of life episodes killing any sense of escalation in the plot.

And the funny thing is, if it were consistently mediocre, people probably wouldn't mind, but it's shown on several occasions that it can actually be very competent, and since people know how good it can be, they get frustrated when it's not. And before anyone says
>implying it was ever good
just remember that before the end of season 1 with the big two-part episode, relatively few people were paying any great deal of attention to it. Then suddenly a shitload of plot happened, and it was presented well, and that got peoples' attention, at least until the show did everything to make people bored of it.

Also, the SJWs have turned on their golden calf because of one questionable doodle in an art book, and once you piss off those troglodytes, they just keep bitching and bitching.

its shit because

>toxic character balances out another toxic character


the character or the show?

the character? with this, like any sensible space overlord should do to ground based rats.

Dark energon can solve every problem.

Isn't it obvious my clarity?

We kidnap Steven's mom

you can't

Leave him be.

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.

The more you fight him, the stronger he becomes

Why don't you take a seat right over there, my colony dropping friend?

We need even more TTG, that's the only way to be sure.

Inb4 he has a bunch of scantily dressed jaspers because he likes them THICC.

If it didn't work it until now it's not going to work.

They just need to do that for 8 more months and replace the ads for SU with more TTG ads, you never have enough TTG, your audience NEEDS more TTG!

>72 hours straight
how much do kids like this show? even I would get annoyed if samurai jack was the only thing on for 3 goddamn days.

CN is the TTG channel now.

As a kid, I remember hating the channels that would air the yule log or It's A Wonderful Life or A Christmas Story for 24 hours once the holiday finally rolled around. I can't imagine being 10 again and giving the vaguest fuck about 72 hours of anything unless it was gory horror films and hardcore pornography.

Bitch please, in México it has become a tradition that in New years they will either air the entirety of DBZ+GT or EVERYTHING OF POKÉMON back to back till new years.

The first time they aired every episode of Pokémon+the movies up to Hoenn It took them around 5-6 days.

But let's be real, that's an event Mexican get to see almost every cartoon with little to none interruption or entire blocks of the same thing.

You should check for XD latinoamerica, CN latinoamerica and tooncast, we are in cartoon heaven compared to NA, XD, CN and even nick as they do air Rocko and Angry Beavers from time to time.

Wait... We can kill two birds with one stone. More Lars as leader of the off-color centric episodes. Eventual cross over with TTG, poison the well with the team "just having fun" while alienating their audience.

>there's a spic in the thread

shut up fatty

Don't watch it

What, is there a new episode out or something? doesn't seem to have anything new

I've been off Sup Forums for a bit doing vidya stuff

>leave the Diamonds to me

Pretend it doesn't exist and live your life as normal. It will die guaranteed.

Put the most powerful gem on the case.

What would happen if a gem is installed in a normal human?

Humans are pretty susceptible to guns. We could try a gun.

They would gain the power of a thousand suns.

In all honesty this is the only reason I give a fuck about Lars.

He fought and beat the shit out of 70 elite troops in like a week on their own turf thanks to strategy, while they spent like six months fucking around with Peridot and another six with Jasper on earth.



I want Yellow Diamond to step on me

Bet you like people getting swatted left and right in the court scene.

You'd actually get crushed

Why are you niggers forgetting his shield and bubble?

have the crystal gems and all other rebels reform as males to stick it up to the diamond's collective skirts.

let the internet do the rest.

nuke the planet , poison gas the atmosphere, block or destroy the sun , destroy the moon , suck all the water . any of these will solve all the problem .

It's stillborn, but that doesn't stop retards from praising it

Release Hexxus.

You don't have to. Sugar's doing a pretty good job on her own.

Lars had enough experience fucking around with Sadie's emotions. So now he gets to teabag all of Homeworld and their incompetent fleet commanders.

>shit now
Well, a bunch of flips were angry beacuse turning him pink apparently erases his filipino heritage. "pink-washing". That or they're mad he was made filipino in the first place because it was for too short a time, or not enough traditional filipino shit to define him besides Ube Rolls.


Just leave him to these creatures, what they do to their targets is much worse than death.

His reaction time isn't fast enough to make a bubble that quickly.

What are you people going on about? Is there an episode after Lars head?

Lars-Harlok is't just a fanart?

Have him travel around with Roland Deschain.

Man, I would have actually enjoyed seeing Lars go on adventures with those off-colors instead of them just using all of those scenarios as a quick joke to make the audience laugh.

Yeah, because we needed those townie episodes much more than character development for far more interesting characters in far more interesting situations.

Sit back. Let tumblr's "critical" side of the fandom take care of it.

We'll make him play a video game!

Yep, either this is some april fools joke and thus a tease to the fans or they are playing it straight and we came to the realization that we are stuck with the least interesting thing about the show.