Is this worth watching?
Is this worth watching?
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if youre 15 and you need a few wanks, sure
some say its kino
and yes she gets blacked
Yes, it's amazing.
Also that poster remains extremely disturbing.
/ourguy/ director
/ourguy/ male lead
pure smut-kino
it's a camp classic, 10/10 entertainment value
only with a commentary track but then yeah absolutely
should have been kino
It's satire and its gold.
As someone that's done theater and dated princess like women I loved this movie. It's pulpy, it's silly, it's very self aware and very funny. It's over the top on purpose and honestly one of my favorite movies.
>always get this confused with Striptease
if you want to see elizabeth berkley look like she's having a seizure during sex scenes, sure.
>even kale didn't like it
It's trash
Its got my guy Kyle in it, so sure.
I never saw it, but seeing as it was a Verhoeven kino I wouldn't be surprised if the backlash it got was from burger journalists that didn't realise it was incredibly tongue in cheek
>it's shit on purpose
literally best part
yeah i don't buy that shit, it's just bad
and great
He didn't even like the film, surely views it as a mistake.
>I was absolutely gobsmacked. I said, “This is horrible. Horrible!” And it’s a very slow, sinking feeling when you’re watching the movie, and the first scene comes out, and you’re like, “Oh, that’s a really bad scene.” But you say, “Well, that’s okay, the next one’ll be better.” And you somehow try to convince yourself that it’s going to get better… and it just gets worse. And I was like, “Wow. That was crazy.” I mean, I really didn’t see that coming. So at that point, I distanced myself from the movie. Now, of course, it has a whole other life as a sort of inadvertent… satire. No, “satire” isn’t the right word. But it’s inadvertently funny. So it’s found its place. It provides entertainment, though not in the way I think it was originally intended. It was just… maybe the wrong material with the wrong director and the wrong cast
What is this movie about? Some kind of snake people?
in the 5th grade it was, some of the first tits i saw
I said it was a camp classic, not that it's satire or bad on purpose
learn to read
I first thought that it was a head ridiculously shopped to a leg.
How's the sequel?
>Ive never seen a Paul Verhoeven movie before
Robocop, Starship Troopers, Show girls, they're all made with the same heavy satirical tone. If you can't get the humor in it then yea you probably won't like Show Girls cause it doesn't have guns and explosions to distract your toddler brain.
As a child I seriously thought this was supposed to be a horror movie based on that cover
>thanks, it's a Versayce.
I've seen Total Recall, and of course Basic Instinct. Gratuitous sex, "satire", and cheap humor are one and the same with "explosions", don't kid yourself.
It really killed his career
But he was just in Lynch's acclaimed Twin Peaks S3!
how many decades later
his """career""" after showgirls was having a minor role on sex and the city
Total Recall and Basic Instinct are not satires though. Total Recall has elements of it, but tries to be a fairly earnest sci-fi/fantasy movie. You can put "satire" in quotes, but it's only damning you as being too dense to know this what Verhoeven is famous for.
Anyone have the webm/gif of her pussy wobbling as she drop kicks some dude?
I'll never forget the first time user posted that. I'll never see this movie the same.
Different places!!!
>absolute KINO
I think his biggest claim to fame being a villain in the flinstones movie did more damage.
Lmfao this movie is great
Can we get a live Sup Forums stream of this one day?
>It's satire
No, it isn't. Verhoeven wanted to make a sincere modern revamp of the 'star-is-born' trope but completely fucked it up. It was only after it failed that he tried to backtrack and say "I meant to do that".
Fun fact: the original casting choice for Nomi was Charlize Theron, but she turned it down because she thought the script was shit and actually fired the agent who sent it to her.
>*citation needed
>Total Recall and Basic Instinct are not satires
Maybe that's why they're better than the "satires" he's directed.
>total recall isn't a satire
I really think people overblow the OMG IT'S AWFUL-ness of this film.
>Showgirls thread
>No webs
I am disappoint
I'd like to see this.
Rewatching Basic Instinct right now. What am I in for?
Post THE gif
What in the h*ck did he mean by this?
2018 and still falling for the violent satire meme. It's just violence, stop trying to act like you are in on some haughty taughty.
The best trashy thriller ever made. Watch the sequel for one of the most entertainingly retarded movies ever made.
It's not trashy, no way