Sleeping Dogs was a fun game but this movie will at best be an ok HK action flick.
Donnie Yen to star in an adaptation of a videogame
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if its not directed by john woo then I don't care
He looks way older than the character.
How many Pork Buns will he need to eat to defeat Dog Eyes?
what is the video gam name?
sleeping dogs
>making a film version of a game that literally draws its narrative and stylistic influence from films
>casting donnie "i am wan wid da foss an da foss is wan wid me" yen as an asian american character that can speak fluent english without sounding like a fucking retard
>not utilizing the actors, directors, or creative influences behind the films that inspired the game
waste of my time and yours
Was Sleeping Dogs popular in Hong Kong or something? China making an adaption of a Canadian video game is weird enough, but Donnie Yen starring in it is extra weird. And Sleeping Dogs itself is just a string of references to classic HK movies, it's such a weird project. I'll definitely see it though, can't be worse than the Iceman movies.
>it's another "Undercover cop who gets in deep" episode but this time it takes place in Hong Kong
Okay now that's out of the way.
Cast them;
>Big Smile Lee
>Uncle Po
And most importantly
>Old Salty Crab
>but this time
Nigga this trope is literally HK action movies.