Just watched this. While it did have a few problems, it was probably the best Christian movie I've seen since The Passion of the Christ. What are some other Christian kino?
Just watched this. While it did have a few problems...
Ethan Walker
Other urls found in this thread:
John Phillips
>ameritrash protestant christian movies
Lincoln Reed
>putting this trash in the same breath as Passion
Xavier Rodriguez
Normally I would recommend some, but since you enjoyed that garbage I'll refrain.
Alexander Wright
I'm with user, I would be recommending you Silence (2016) or Kingdom of Heaven (2005), but you honestly are too lowbrow for these.
Jackson Brooks
The Agony and the Ecstasy
Facing the Giants
War Room
When Socrates Meets Jesus (YT video, see below)
Jaxson Powell
>Kingdom of Heaven
More Muslim than Christian tbqh
Jeremiah Walker
The Ten Commandments
Prince of Egypt
Liam Nelson
Jose Brown
interesting how they put an extremely atheistic movie(2001)