Be honest, you cried.
Be honest, you cried
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i didnt lol
Not at the scene itself, but what really fucked with me was a dad and his son leaving the theater. Son said “Why are you crying, dad?” Dad said “I saw the first movie with your grandpa when I wasn’t much older than you. I grew up watching these, and Paul never really seemed gone until now.”
There is like 14 years between the first movie and that one. How the fuck did he managed to have a son who is close to the age he had back when the first movie came out in that timeframe?
Kids having kids man, shit’s crazy out there.
Haven't seen it, but I got fired from the only job I've had and somebody played that song when I left to make fun of me and I cried on the bus.
No, why were people acting like Paul Walker was some world-class actor?
I hate these movies but I did get a lump in my throat.
Go watch Running Scared, he delivers a kino-worthy performance in that one.
>the scene where he threatens the mexican mom at gunpoint in front of her terrified children
>the scene where he’s trying to remove bullets from an active crime scene only five feet away from the police
Yeah, maybe if he got his girlfriend preggres when he was 15-18 and his son is really young it would make sense.
I have only ever seen the first Fast and Furious film and found it boring. I just have no desire to watch the others.
I did. Honestly one of the few times I've teared up in the theater.
Millennials on facebook and viral mourning
My best friend died shortly before this was released. He'd always say he didn't like these movies. I later found out from his sister that they loved watching F&F so when i saw this in theaters it hit me hard
The franchise only got entertaining when they dropped the shitty street racing and turned the main cast into some sort of special team that pulls heists and does shit for the government.
I mean, plot-wise it makes no fucking sense but the movies went from shit to mediocre fun thanks to that.
I haven't even watched this hot garbage.
I was a really good actor. Although I guess it's edgy to say that he wasn't.
>I mean, plot-wise it makes no fucking sense but the movies went from shit to mediocre fun thanks to that.
I'm not really interested in mediocre fun.
I took a video of myself drunk singing this, dedicating it to randytaylor69. Thank God I didn't upload it in my drunken haze
he was only popular because he was attractive
He was a likable character
Then don't watch it, it's not like you are missing anything.
I was just saying the last movies at least are midly entertaining while I find the first three or four a fucking borefest.
I definitely had a lump in my throat. Not for his character but him as a person, what a terrible way to go
like a bitch
I did. Hit me hard since I never really thought about his death much.
No. These movies are utter shit.
My sister saw it at the theaters and said EVERYONE left it crying, shit was insane.
Lol no
Fuck off.
2 is a fun buddy cop film
3 is pure kinography
yeah I did it just hit you perfect
I don't watch Fast and Furious series.
But young and good looking people dying is a pity.
2 is boring as fuck, mainly due to the unfunny nigger.
I don't even remember what 3 was about.
>Then don't watch it, it's not like you are missing anything.
I did, I didn't think they'd change anything about the movie other than finishing the scenes he didn't complete in the script, absolute kino
This was the exact moment I started crying.
3 is Tokyo Drift, no?
Oh, yeah, I remember now. That's easily the worst movie in the entire franchise.
I'm not the guy that said it was kino, I just scrolled by your post on the front page and started wondering which the third was
who was in the wrong?
No I didn't. It was sad though. The movies might be pretty bad and he might not be a good actor, but you always heard he was legit a pretty good guy. Also it was a good send off. Really well done, better than alot of films do.
Wasn't he just leaving a charity event? Also wasn't he not even driving? Also weren't the tires on the car dry rotted to fuck? Also wasn't the guy who was driving a race car driver and he was kind of getting on it?
The Fast series is what fucking killed him. Guarantee the guy wasn't into cars before those films. After being in those movies he was pretty much attached to sports cars. Which is why he was in one on that fatal day.
Or maybe he was on a car because fucking everyone uses a car nowadays.
Lol I cried the first time I got fired and only time I got fired from a place glad I'm not the only one
lmao, hilarious story, soyboy
I bet every girl in the office sucked Chad’s dick after that joke
Not everyone uses cars like the one he was in. And not everyone goes cruising around in said cars with fucking professional race car drivers. His association with the fast movies is what got him in that position
i never liked paul walker
>grew up watching him
>high school girls crushing on him; boys emulating his fashion and mannerisms (Chopper shirts, Chucks and being a hothead yo)
>seemed like a really great guy in fun movies
>his death wasn't even his own fault and was during a charity event
>if you're not a millennial you knew him for over ten years of your life
I cried a bit OP, and the girl I watched it with was genuinely distressed, making jokes while her voice cracked and basically talking to herself for about 5 minutes through dozens of subjects to distract herself. Before watching FAS7 I hated that song because it was spammed on the radio and fucking everywhere else, but for a few weeks after I had a bit of a sad gut reaction to it and actually bought into the nostalgia
I did not get teh secks that night or any night after from that grill
That's just pathetic that people can become that attached to a lead actor in a series of schlocky car films.
Not at all. I never liked Paul Walker. He's been in -1- movie I liked and has always been the worst part of these movies. Save lil bow wow.
>hasn't fallen into self-parody
>embraces it's past macho melodrama and matches it with overblown action
>fucking memory wipes and teaming up with a past enemy are now standard tropes
>people do and survive ridiculous shit
It's genuinely more like anime than action, and I love it. The newest one wasn't great but it was an uphill trajectory from 2 until the second newest one.
3 is up for debate, I haven't watched it in years. I watch 4 - 7 pretty frequently, that's where they get legitimately great and so silly that you don't feel like your suspension of disbelief is being challenged
Go back to your grave, Paul
>judging teenagers for idolising a cool movie character when there are grown people out there upset that comic books don't get adapted as they think they should
I didn't, but I can't deny it was a very well executed farewell
Why Fate sucks so much?
>lol Dom is evil but nah
>hey shaw fuck you for killing han but nah your a good guy come have dinner with us
It's the closest I've come to crying to a piece of media.
I only tear at funerals.
Super soy list.
>tfw the Supra rolls up
So this is the power.... of american-made cars.........................
heh......... not bad.... not bad at all................................
rid or day pebble
Every time.
as expected from mouthbreathers who feel invested in F&F
This, true kino
Dumb mericans that can't drive stick
Triple double like MJ
i dont have teh frends. i got femily
I know you live on Sup Forums user but in real life people look to inspirational figures to emulate them, particularly young adults who are still defining themselves as individuals. Although you're too isolated- sorry, I mean sophisticated - to observe and be inspired by media like the multiple generations both before and after you, your posts have proven that you are superior to both myself and my peers when we were fifteen. I think you deserve kudos, and a special sticker that you can show your mom when you next leave the basement
I'm hours late cause I got drunk but RAGE is a fuckin shit vidya so expect a spike in shitposts in the coming hour or so
I did actually think the cars splitting into different roads was decent imagery but mostly it's just weird. I imagine Vin in the booth recording his fiction-world goodbye to a man who actually died and it just seems insane.
Like how deep do you have to be in Bullshit Land to emotionally fetishize and capitalize on your "friends" death to the point of getting WIZ KALIFA to team up with a big producer to make a cynically sad piano song and sell it
Crazy world crazy people
these movies are for chinks and niggers