Stand By Me

Just watched this. Why does Sup Forums like it so much? It wasn't boring but it wasn't entertaining or anything either.

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Sup Forums? It's considered a bonafide classic

if you didnt cry like a bitch at the ending you're probably an emotionless husk

its a classic.

if you don't like it thats okay but so many people love this movie, and for a good reason.

But what is that reason

Why would I cry? It's just people drifting apart and life happening.

underage b& with no friends spotted

Because many people who like the film can relate to it, user.

Why did Jerry O'Connell look nothing like he did later on?

It's a feel-goody coming of age movie but the focus is on the corruption of children. The spoken epilogue for the main characters felt painfully accurate as well, it's boomer tripe but it's undeniably kinomatic.

what boomer tripe, its a common thing for any generation after high school/college

I haven't watched this. Am I able to ignored the fact that Wil Wheaton is billed first?

I wouldn't say it's "cry" worthy, but it's definitely emotional and makes you think about what you were when a kid, and where you are now, and where you'll end up, and that your circumstances do no dictate your ultimate outcome.

It's a classic kino. You don't have to watch it, but it wouldn't be a complete waste of your time either.

don't spoil it for yourself and watch this if you haven't actually seen the film.

thats only like half the ending, wtf

Suppose I'm mostly referring to the setting, but the story is also a tad outdated. Gen Z will not have experiences similar to those boys.

Yes, but it's the only clip which includes the full song before the credits, which is what really drives the impact of the ending, which is meant to call on summer childhood nostalgia.

It's pretty much the only Stephen King film, besides The Shining, which manages to escape the schlock-tier cinema they inevitably come to inhabit.

you got shit taste dude it's a great movie

It was better if you watched it when you were at least vaguely around the same age as the kids.

Shawshank Redemption as well.

>Shawshank and Stand By Me were in the same short story collection

Shawshank, Green Mile and others including Running Man may not be on the same level but I wouldn't call them garbage.

exactly. we give boomers alot of shit for good reason, but their growing years were unique and ripe with raw stories and experiences. They lived full lives, and then some.

I can totally see why a movie like Stand By Me would evoke a ton of emotion from a boomer and even gen x'ers and anyone born before 90' because the world was simply a different place before technology took over our lives.

The qualities these characters in this movie displays is what made our society so great. The camaraderie and toughness alone is already a foreign concept to most kids today.

It is top 250 Kino you fucking faggot.

I would rather not live than be born after the 90's. Just the though of being a child with a smartphone or ipad and think about 3rd genders sounds like torture a hell on earth.

91er here, I think about this too much probably. Just barely made the cutoff of having an actual childhood.

This. I miss being a young lad who walked around innawoods woods with other kids. Pretty much going on an adventure every day. Good times.

Yeah I would guess cutoff would be 95 perhaps. After that you would have your formative years with cells computer internet and social justice all the way. Consider yourself lucky. I came to be in 84 myself. Had plenty of experiences like stand by me growing up. Worse and way better in fact. It was always an adventure.

>No Long Walk movie