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nigger faggot

The state of DCucks lmao


pretty sure lgbt just means bisexual, aka it's fucking nothing

Anyone know why this is a netflix original in Australia?

yeah I'm sure niggers loved that

Litty AF!!


and we're all like so happy about it



Black super heroes don't make any sense. Because you'd assume a super hero would have an obligation to their native land and people and there is no way to govern Africans, even given divine powers. The common man isn't worth saving in Africa.

Black Panther btfo!
How will Marvel ever recover?

They seem to be covering all the bases. Is it good though? It's on my Netflix list, but I haven't checked it out yet. I know very little of the premises, other than it has some retired superhero, who is coming back to business because gang violence.

By making more money.

I just introduced a fart into my surrounding area

What about that X-Men in Deadpool? I thought she was the first

Nice seeing how much fag shit (((they)))'re pushing on the niggers. A much higher percentage of niggers are faggots btw.

(and that's a good thing)

But is xe jewish or muslim?


>not pansexual transnigger otherkin
Do they even trying?

Well, Injustice is one of the best beat em ups of recent years and the comic series it spawned seems to be a bestseller for DC. And bestselling comic books have been far and between for Marvel lately, as it looks like Marvel fans aren't that much into comics anymore.


>as it looks like Marvel fans aren't that much into comics anymore.
It's the other way around, Marvel comics aren't that much into Marvel fans. What there is and what's left of them. Though recently they canned all their "SJW Specials" since they simply didn't sell, and now probably will be trying to salvage what's left.


>Marvel fans aren't that much into comics anymore.

I wonder why

I like it so far, it's cool when he electricities someone :-)

fuck i pasted the link in the wrong bar

maybe because Marvel is pushing an agenda to appeal to a target audience who does not give one single crap about comicbook or even the movies? I'm not so sure though

its actually a pretty grounded show

With Disney buying Fox I'd like to see a return to the glory days of early 00's when the x-books were topping sales and reviews charts. But I'm not getting my hopes up

>black superheroes are called "black something"
Isn't that kind of racist?

She was LGBT in the comics.

I'm more pissed by the fact:
>every cop is racist
>Black lightning gets hero shot after assaulting officers, resisting arrest, and blowing up city property

What is this hard-on for being "first" at something? It's like bragging about your useless made up category of Guinness world record

Mike Pence

>Isabella, one of the character's co-creators said "He wasn't originally going to be an African American character, we were just looking for some generic superhero to fill a few spots over a few pages. However there were some trademark problems over the name so we changed it to Black, and well, the rest is history I guess!"

Shitposting aside, does that mean the guy black lightning fucks off? Because that character was the blandest shit I have ever seen

End is near

Is he more powerful?

I'm sure those ratings will be great

I support this show as it teaches black people they should be gay