Transphobes BTFO

Transphobes BTFO

That pic and arguments like it are ignorant of biology.

Gender doesn't have anything to do with biology.

>implying transition = metamorphosis

So, unless trans people go into a cocoon they aren't real "women"? Thanks, i used to respect them...

>Gender doesn't have anything to do with biology.

Pretty much

Except some of em stay a catepillar a bit too fucking long and end up being moths or catepillars with small ass wings on em

We call these folks Hons money, /lgbt/, holla back

Every part of every living thing and even some non-living things have something to do with biology

>inb4 NEOVAGINA posting

then why use a biological analogy

Homosexuality is not natural

>you were half sperm and will always be

Fuck all transphobes, homophones, and gramophones. Don't @ me.

Would you this beautiful butterfly, Sup Forums?

>Sup Forums - television & film




Fucking jejd


How often do butterflies commit suicide?



>I'm failing as a man, maybe my life would be better if i was a girl?

>muffled "suicide is painless" plays in the distance


>mfw people start posting the GDQ trannies

Congratulation asshole you started a shitstorm.

Now all the fatass basement dwelling self hating cross dressing sissies come out the woodwork.

I'm sick of trannies thinking all it takes to become a woman is to grow their shitty hair out long. They make zero effort to care for their skin and hair like real women do and never bother learning makeup skills beyond shoving on garish eyeshadow, or learn anything about fashion. just because you have long hair and wear a shitty dress from goodwill does not mean you will pass as a woman.



>and it looks infected
actually laughed

Some do

Some dont...

Most dont

Just like not everybody on this website is a sad fat neckbeard but mostly they are

Flawed analogy. The metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly is the natural development of that particular organism, akin to developing from a baby to an adult in humans.
Transsexuals do not actually change sex, they simply create a facsimile of that sex by developing secondary sex characteristics of their desired sex through hormone therapy. As for their genitalia, a Neovagina is not a vagina in anything aside from general appearance.

Would you any of these fine ladies, Sup Forums?

most people on this website are not sufficient age/T levels to grow a fucking beard and many of those who do actually know how to use a razor

I would unironically throw a grenade in there

His moobs are far more prominent than his gut justifies. I'm pretty sure he's gone to the extent of being on estrogen for months/years and just still hasn't fucking gotten a wig for that dome.

I don't think one is nearly enough