What does Sup Forums think of it?
What does Sup Forums think of it?
Other urls found in this thread:
ultimate pleb filter
litterally a masterpiece
liked it
it's not like tv series, but still liked it
also nonpoint cover had nice fresh 2000s feeling
the whole OST is worthy
the god-tier credit scene:
also all the Audioslave stuff that appears in the movie:
Would have been a better movie if they didn't gut the character's backstories and didn't have Foxx playing Tubbs right after his Oscar win.
>if they didn't gut the character's backstories
that's what makes it good imo
If they had done the whole "character with a given backstory that has an arc about redemption for his past mistakes" or similar it would have been generic as fuck.
Michael Mann is one of the last true film makers left in Holywood
Pure totality of kino
literally the purest of pleb filters
>Michael Mann thing
>everything is blue
Oh boy
It's terrible. Everybody in this thread praising it is a retard; it has a fucking 47% on RT
femme Gostbusters got 74% on shitty RT
Can't even remember it desu, got to see my negress waifu nude though so there's that.
literally kino
also checked
>RT scores
The last Jedi is sitting at 90%
Can you watch it if you haven't seen the TV show?
Should I just watch the TV show?
I never watched show. Highly enjoyed movie.
Rightly soon
I need to start saving brainlet wojacks for posts like this
I'm in a similar situation. I love the original show. I'm afraid I'd hate this movie just because it doesn't have Johnson and Thomas in it. Fuck, why did he have to make a remake? Why not just a standalone movie with new characters?
It's not terrible but it's not a masterpiece either
Same for Blackhat.
>le pleb filters
it's fucking Micheal Mann
It's just the normal kind of lopsided film that Sup Forums likes
Like it's visually arresting but has terrible narrative