Is it because of communism?
For all the criticism TLJ got in the West, at least we weren't shitting on it for having "ugly" actors since that's utterly irrelevant to the story.
Seriously, will China be the cancer that kills Hollywood?
Is it because of communism?
For all the criticism TLJ got in the West, at least we weren't shitting on it for having "ugly" actors since that's utterly irrelevant to the story.
Seriously, will China be the cancer that kills Hollywood?
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With todays technology and knowledge how to build your body, beauty should be thing to aspire to
Its because they don't like Jews or black people. The film is full of them.
I say this not even as a Sup Forumsfag, its just fact. Asians are super racist.
Why are postmodernists so obsessed with producing ugliness?
All their characters are ugly or deformed or disabled.
They do this shit in comics, too.
No they aren't.
Because it makes it more 'real'.
If I wanted to watch a realism film I would, otherwise I want to see pretty people doing shit in space.
It's true though there's enough ugly fuckers on the street, we don't need them on the screen.
>original leftist political ideology admires beauty the most
what a timeline
They said they would've liked Finn if he was played by Will Smith. Last I checked that's still black.
>at least we weren't shitting on it for having "ugly" actors
lol Sup Forums constantly shits on it and other films for exactly that
we might as well be uncultured chinkshits