Was she mad all her life because she didn't marry Tony soprano?

Was she mad all her life because she didn't marry Tony soprano?

She didn't seem mad. Just irritated at having to deal with Artie's shit every now and again.

she married Chef Boyardee

I could bury my dick in her fucking titties

why would you want to marry tony soprano, he's a fat ugly fuck.

get some standards burgers.

Because he provided for her? Put food on the table? Gave her a home?

she claimed that ton fucked her, but it was a lie to piss off carmela

Watch the show you fucking idiot! She had a lot resentment towards Tony.

No, she was pissed, because her dumbass husband kept trying to get involved in mob affairs, when she wanted to stay away from it.

Luckily Artie was Tony's friend, or he would have been whacked ten times over for that rifle stunt alone.

Why would she lie about it? She's obviously mad that Tony didn't married him.

Another question: Is Artie Tony without being a mobster?

>tfw Artie was trying to fuck Adriana

>didn't married
Nah, you are wrong.

No Tony would have been living in Reno.

I don't mean his career but the character. Like Tony hyper-violent masculinity doesn't really play outside the mob and so he'd turn insecure at some point. You know, being outside his habitat and all.

Was she good in bed?

No, Tony is strong, boorish, and confident for the most part, crippling depression notwithstanding, where Artie is nebbish and annoying.
Tony without the Mob is probably very similar to Tony with the Mob, just with a shittier job. He's still going to be frustrated and violent, just poorer.

So why did he stick with him through all that shit? And don't give me the "he was a good friend" shit. He whacked Buscemi when it was necessary.

Because he didn't do anything stupid or crazy like his cousin. He did beat the fuck up doctor howsers friend.

>He whacked Buscemi when it was necessary
He whacked Tony B because if he didn't, there was going to be a Mob War. For all the shit Artie did, most of it amounted to empty whining. The only exception was the time he pointed a rifle at Tony or when he lost that 50 grand. The rifle incident was shaken off, because he knew Artie wasn't a threat, and Tony made a deal with Artie for the money, in addition to secretly getting whatever he could from the French guy. Artie was never worth killing.
Tony puts up with his family. Look at Christopher, he put up with all his shit, including the time he shot up Tony's car and would have shot him in the Bing.

>Mob War
I'm sure new Jersey would have won.


Why did Charmaine dressed nicely as soon as she was separated?

It's because the restaurant was a mob hangout and once you're associated with the mob, you're forever tied to it. She wanted Artie's ties to the mob to be severed.

>I'm sure new Jersey would have won
New York had 200 soldiers in its army. Tony lost like 3 guys, and it crippled his whole family.

To get attention like ever other women

new york wouldve smoked that glorified crew easily

Well because Tony was a pussy. He never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

A bunch of old fucks? All Tony needed to do was get all the wannabes to step up and go after the high level guys.

t. idiot who can't understand alpha male mentality

Tony B would be the closest

The whole point of the last 2 seasons is New York wanting to get rid of Tony's piss ass excuse of a crew and run Jersey on their own without having to split the money

When a woman marries a beta she inherently knows she's settling due to constraints in her life. She was extra unfortunate in that she was constantly surrounded by alphas, who only reinforce Artie's relatively beta status.

>morbidly obese is alpha

keep telling yourself that fatty.

Kill the boss and entire leadership of one of the Five Families of New York? Even if Tony could kill New York's entire leadership, the shit that would rain down on him in the aftermath would have wiped him from the face of the Earth ten times over.
In the end, he only killed Philly, because the New York leadership under him condoned it, and even then, Butchie ended up eliminating the Soprano crew anyway, just because he could.

Yeah, that obese, baldheaded guy with a drinking problem was such a catch. I mean nothing turns on the ladies more than sweat stained wife beater shirts and a vocabulary made up of 100% profanity

Please does old fucks would have called a truce. If Tony went for the high level guys and just hid and got the wannabes and younger guys to do the hit it would have work. Fuck new York.

I don't think you understand that New York was a much bigger mob...