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Fuck her, she makes black women look bad.


Being black is what makes black women look bad

Why would they use her for Olympic coverage?

What do you mean?

she was the best actor in the entire ghostbusters movie
Sup Forums just hates on her because she's ugly as sin

Why on earth does she keep getting work? She's not funny, and she's not pleasant to look at. Who the fuck is supporting her?

There must be funnier black females comedians that deserve a shot.

I mean that black women are fucking ugly, including your mother. black men too. They also smell like shit.

Black people do not have a distinct smell.


I've lived with Africans, and they do. They smell horrific, mostly because of the shit they eat. I threw away my clothes after I moved out.

Wouldn't know about Murricans.

Yuro here. I don't really know because I don't leave near Africans, but a friend of mine lives in an apartment complex that is full of them, and he says they smell like leather.


>ayo that nigga can run QUICK! holla at ya girl taneequa running from the police every week wazzup baby girl? 13 years to go baby

I feel the same type of national shame a britcuck would feel if they sent Dame Edna to cover the olympics for Sky.

she's funny but her comedy has always been very stereotypical.

she's probably what a foreigner pictures a black woman in the USA to be like.

death to america

me gfs roomie is ethiopian and she smells like cocoa constantly

No, I hate her because she is so fucking loud. Loud is not funny. It's just annoying.

Blacks in America literally call it their stank. They think it’s a good thing.

Yes they fucking do nigger

I live in a nigger hood and they all smell fucking rank

She's a black comedian, so that must mean she has a lot of funny jokes and anecdotes about snow?

That's because they are probably nasty as fuck and don't bathe.

can confirm from 2 a days with a mixed race football team.

they smell different, it is not a good smell, and it is not the cocoa butter/lotion which isn't actually that bad.

Keep in mind I am NOT calling them the stinky kid on the team- there is always one- who will not wash their pants until ordered by Coach. They literally have an odor that is different.

liar, youre so fucking pathetic


it's not our fault she literally looks like the gorilla in that other Ghostbusters movie

Nobody beats the GOAT Olympic commentators.

Asians do.
It's not necessarily bad, it's just, Asian.

Why do you live there?

No. It’s a true story. Have you ever been around blacks? Like in high school years?

It's the melanin in our skin.

Even a French President said that they are smelly
>"..and add to that the noise and the smell" - President Jacques Chirac

Dead father, useless mother

Have to live here during school, when I'm out and making some money, I'll go a thousand miles from here

It's the felonin' in your criminal record.

Gotta admit
Pretty funny
I mean fucking racist!

She isn't funny at all, loud and random =/= funny
nice dubs tho checked

>As commentator of Winter Olympic Games



who was Grant Fuhr and why are you such a race obsessed fag?

Shes taking home the gold medal for most unwanted nudes ever

This. Thought I was alone in thinking it. Asians def have a smell to them. Not bad but definitely a distinct smell

You're clearly talking to an American who's probably under 25
Fuhr is not someone he'd know

Lmao youve clearly never dated a black person

He's black

Can anybody tell me why is she even a thing?

>comedy gold in the olympics

can one of you burgers explain to me why any of you would want this? I don't mind a bit of commentator banter, but sparingly between proper coverage.

The only people who should ever cover sports are retired professional athletes.


for the special olympics?
In case you haven't seen it here is some of 'her' comedy


>Americans can't watch sports without being told when to laugh

A true challenge to fap to those pictures...

But you powered through like a champ
We know now who really deserves that gold medal
