Gary Oldman Physically and Mentally Abused Wife

>In devastating legal documents filed in 2001, Donya painted the actor as a deadbeat husband who spent thousands on alcohol and prostitutes during drug-fuelled weekends – charges Oldman vehemently denied.

>has never before spoken about a furious court battle featuring an accusation that Oldman beat her up with a phone while she held their younger son.

>Donya’s dark good looks had captured the heart of Fight Club director David Fincher (her first husband) before she then caught Oldman’s eye across the room at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Hollywood in 1996.

Not surprising. 90% of brits are mentally ill


But I wonder why she stayed?

>>has never before spoken about a furious court battle featuring an accusation that Oldman beat her up with a phone while she held their younger son.

This is literally out of the film Nil By Mouth that was written by Oldman

David Fincher for cucked by Gary Oldman


>stole my children

definitely mentally ill and a dangerous mother detected.

Gary Oldman just lost the oscar

Quick! Give Ooga Booga from Get Out the Oscar instead of him!

You know, if I read some story from an ex-wife in the daily mail and you aren't described as a horrible monster abuser both emotional and physical who was so cunning as to best her and keep her terrified 24/7 I frankly will think less of you as a man.

Who the fuck likes their ex wife

Not surprised at all


For a moment there I'd forgotten what soap-loving male women you guys were.

So the #metoo movement's constant need for new high profile abusers has resorted to being mean to your wife? Kikes are getting desperate

>Meets at an AA meeting
>Is shocked and dismayed when husband spends loads of money on alcohol

Really makes you think

Not surprised at all. Remember when he rushed to Mel Gibson's defense quite fast, too fast I remember thinking. Dude is an old racist liberal hypocritical fart. Hates women Jews and America while being a Marxist lenist. He played Oswald specifically took the part because he admired him as a fellow socialist.

They are currently going after Quentin "Foot-lover" Tarantino, because he made Uma drive a god damn car


>racist liberal
pick one.


>In reply, he called his former wife a ‘fantasist’ whose own raging addiction to pills and alcohol tore apart their marriage and left her an unfit mother. It is certainly true that a judge eventually sided with Oldman, granting him custody of their young sons.

Legitimately you have to be the fucking worst mother in the world for a judge to side with the father over you.

>Ten years ago I was driving along Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles and I did a U-turn in traffic into a car park. There was Gary, smoking a cigarette.

>‘I was stunned because I had not seen him, outside a court room, in so many years. I wound down the window and asked him if I could see my sons. He just said “No” and turned the other way. It was all I could do not to cry. I felt I’d been punched in the heart.’

Lmao liberals...

>>In devastating legal documents filed in 2001, Donya painted the actor as a deadbeat husband who spent thousands on alcohol and prostitutes during drug-fuelled weekends – charges Oldman vehemently denied.
Implying she didn't know his habits when he married him

> Fincher gets his girl stolen by a Edward Norton type at an Anonymous meeting just before he gets the Fight Club gig


>Edward Norton type
Wtf are you talking about. You can't just say things because they will make your joke work.

>happens soon after Oldman casually mentions how the Jews control Hollywood


It's been closer to 4 years than 3, you fucking idiot.

>tfw you're not rich enough to spend thousands on alcohol and hookers during drug fuelled weekends

So perhaps in The Professional he was just being himself at max power level?

Nigger you know Oldman knows how to scream at a chick

Jews never forget and never forgive

Check this out:

I fucked your wife.

t. oven dodger

This whole #metoo crap has gotten out of hand. So what? You are a terrible mother. They do this to mem all the ducking time.

>Is he, dare I say it, /ourgaz/?

It's been years and I haven't heard the kids say a bad thing about him. She should shut the fuck up.

You're not supposed to tell people who else goes to AA meetings


Aaaand right on cue...

How much you wanna bet votes/the Academy uses this to give the Oscar to Daniel Kaluuya or whatever the fuck his name is from "Get Out."

After all they need a minority to win an acting award right?

she's full of shit. She failed to get custody then and it trying to ride #metoo to get another chance

i.e. 100% of English
t. scot

Given my personal experience with women, she's likely lying. Women who are vindictive and bitter will say and do anything to bring people down.

He seems like the type tbqh

like this is the way to get her kids to like her... dragging the only parent they love through the mud. she's trash

That is?

the bitch sounds like a time bomb

She looks like a cunt.

Yeah, I'm gonna have to side with Oldman on this one. You have to be a real piece of shit mother to lose custody of your kids.

the next in line would be the twink, bro

Fuck off, Mel Gibson struggled with mental illness and alcoholism for years before that. Have you even listened to the phone calls and shit? It's so obvious his wife was setting him up so that she sounded like the innocent angel in that.

>calling anybody else mentally ill

You eat deep-fried mars bars you sick fuckers


What's this about Gary and Jews in Hollywood?


Jesus fuck. I really need to stop auto-clicking google search image when I see random beautiful women here. Last time I did that, I probably got into a list because it was apparently part of a pedo set.

Miranda Kerr supposedly.

>Women’s voices are empowered when other women speak up.
Then why are other women getting mad at other women for not speaking “loud enough”? This is so disgustingly obvious to a smear campaign at this point.

She stayed for the money. Like a prostitute

>I wound down the window and asked him if I could see my sons. He just said “No” and turned the other way.