Transformers VS Disney shit

Tell me Sup Forums thing I don't understand. The blatant bias against Michael Bay and Transformers, especially coming from same normies who are excited for every new Disney Wars and MARLEL movie.

In span of 10 years, Michael Bay made 5 Transformers movies.
In same time span, MARVEL produced over 17 movies.

Now I don't want to say that one garbage is better than the other, but why are normies so prone to dislike anything Transformers related so fast without even seeing the movie while drooling over upcoming super hero flick that is no different from the same thing they dislike. But in this case even Transformers have much better CGI and soundtrack than your average MARVEL movie.

What gives? What Michael Bay did that Hollywood is against him?

Other urls found in this thread:

Bay did his best, given poor source.
Transformers (1st one) had really impressive CG for it's time. Dynamic changes from robots to vehicles and vehicles to robots looked great, don't deny it.

Did you watch homecoming user? TLK was better than that crap and I hated TLK. Marvel sucks. Based Paramount bros?

The TF1 CGI still looks great Today. The Force Awakens CGI already looks like crap. Heck Clu from Tron Legacy looks better than Tarkin CGI and Legacy came in 2010 . R1 in 2016.

Compare TF1 with Avengers 1.

Let's see:
>director is actually passionate about his craft, has created one of the best kid-oriented films of the decade
>going for a 1980s setting, which could be fun as long as it doesn't exasperatedly rely on nostalgic throwbacks
>smaller budget and cast might make for a more self-contained story that actually focuses on exploring interesting characters and conflicts rather than being bogged down by hundreds of generic personalityless robots and random special effect showoffs
>story is once again about the friendship between a teenager and a beater car, which is arguably the only thing about the original films that worked on a narrative level
>lead looks cute
>VW 'Bee also looks cute
>heck, the whole thing seems to have a cute wholesome hipster vibe to it in general rather than just being premised on edgy teenager appeal, which is actually sort of impressive from a Transformers movie of all things
>aiming for a December release rather than June, therefore not desperately trying to mix in with the summer blockuster crowd

Avengers 1 CG loooks bad. Funny thing it was made by the same company(ILM).
Also,Avengers 1 is more of a DOTM copy.

>What Michael Bay did that Hollywood is against him?

He's Republican, and very pro-military.


people like to shit on transformers.
its not kino, and you dont need to have any film standards when watching it but
1. michael bay is actually a competent director and others try to copy his style.
2. transformers doesnt suffer from "just turn your brain off" a lot of details are moved over very quickly during action sequences.