nice photoshop faggot
work on the font next time dipshit
wow, I bet this is totally true and indicative of the moral decline of soceity of which I rail against daily online.
thank god this based OP was able to find this hard to find story so that I can finally rail against this Aubrey Hepburn movie which I was, as a straight white man, itching to see!
I'd pay to see this, not even kidding
oh no the next level of fake news is finally here
I guess it would be better just to leave this place. Could I do it, Sup Forums? Could I really leave after all those years?
Nice thread faggot
Sage and hide
getting lazier every fucking day
This would literally be comedy kino
Kek, pretty close
Just work on copying real websites a bit
I wish this was real.
>it's real
Kek nice try.
>I guess it would be better just to leave this place. Could I do it, Sup Forums? Could I really leave after all those years?
I was thinking about that but there is nowhere else to go.
Reddit is faggotry, imdb has no message boards, av club is numale now, everyone's local newspaper is balls, all the bigger papers are paywalled libshit propaganda, facebook sucks, instagram is for 17 year olds, twitter is for the perpetually offended, and autoplays videos about social justice when you are trying to get the score of the basketball game.
If anything we should unplug. Not cut the cord, but the modem.
I have microsoft office, I have email access, I have a telephone, do I really need this?
They're getting desperate
do you guys really think someone would do that? just go on Sup Forums and tell lies?
no way
I actually want to see it now. I also want it to have as many modern black stereotypes like KFC as possible in there. Could be a good comedy.
What's wrong with a little diversity goy?
imagine being so insecure that you gotta support yourself on an anonymous board.
Holy fuck, kill yourself already. You're so pathetic.
And that's a good thing
The internet is indeed shit these days (I'm reminded of this as I do the shitty new captcha), but I think you're overreacting to a mere jokey photoshop.
>I'm the fake news now.
Always imagined Hepburn to be black in the novels. Her race isnt specified anywhere .
"Yassir, mah name is Aubrey Hepburms and I wud like to act in yo pixture"
there is nothing about Audrey Hepburn that says she has to be white
(((they))) don't want that much diversity goy