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that's pretty cool
Can't criticize that.
I'd eat her shit pie.
Nicely done of her
>little kids should see themselves as violent dictators of a selfish ethnostate
yeah great message there
pretty cool, but I hope this movie doesn't replace the need for more sustained debate on how the US exploits Africa
US President Barack Obama has given South Africa 60 days to remove barriers to US farm produce or face sanctions in a long-running row over chicken exports.
>The South African Poultry Association argues that more American chicken on South African plates would result in the loss of 6,500 jobs and threaten the development of black-owned, small-scale chicken farms.
>Imported chicken is slaughtering the local industry, says poultry association
>Victims of the EU’s shockingly immoral approach to trade in poultry include, to date, Cameroon, Senegal, Ghana and, more recently, South Africa. As a consequence of a flood of imports, 70% of broiler operations in Senegal closed. In Cameroon, 120000 people lost their jobs. In Ghana, according to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, poultry processing plants were reduced to operating at 25% of capacity, and feed mills were reduced to 42% of capacity.
>At the 2016 UN General Assembly, Ghana’s President John Mahama claimed that the imported chicken crisis was a key factor for many people migrating from Africa to Europe. Ghanaians who embark on the risky journey to Europe are poultry farmers or entrepreneurs who “sell their shops and undertake the journey because they can no longer compete with the tonnes of frozen chicken dumped on African markets annually”.
do kids really care what skin color the superhero have?
Good goys.
Mouse struck gold.
Don't really know if she deserved that Oscar nom though. Her character didn't really do anything.
I unironically hope this makes three billion dollars
t. Old/pol/
That's cool, but it's not going to give them the motivation to get out of poverty, learn a trade skill, and do something that doesn't keep them poor.
Undeserved? What?
Yes. Race is now the most important thing about you.
As a nigger hater, i can only say good for them to finally help each other
Im sorry for the cinema that will get trashed tho
What the fuck is wrong with everyone? What happened after 2007 that made everyone go crazy about race?
I picked up on that too
Social media
Peer pressure to virtue signal
under served you american 56% retards
have you seen the amount of triggered polacks posting about this film.
>Don't really know if she deserved that Oscar nom though. Her character didn't really do anything.
Well if it makes you feel any better her acting and Michael Shannon's acting as talented character actors kept The Shape of Water moving along. She does a great job in what is essentially a mediocre monster movie with a really cool looking monster.
If it wasn't for Octavia Spencer's character we would know little about the fish-fucking lady and care less.
And Black Panther is silly fucking shit but people who have never lived there don't understand how poor people from Mississippi are.
They see urban blacks with their bling and superficial gauche displays of 'wealth' and figure they are doing alright but Mississippi is on another level.
Before Casino Magic opened, Bay St. Louis, Mississippi was the last place in the USA to have open sewers.
Haha! Funny how when you put black kids in a sentence I read that as undeserved.
essentialist idpol from both the SJWs and alt right.
>Disney realized no one wanted to see Black Panther
>turned it into a charity case
That's just embarrassing, worse than when the "Ghostbusters" went to a hospital for dying kids.
No no user. The priority is to feel good because a black man is the protagonist of a corporate blockbuster
-1 for being named Octavia but 9/10. At least she's not doing it for Black History month. Pic unrelated.
not really, no. The marketing campaign for this movie is just especially repulsive, so naturally most people will take an antagonistic position towards this movie.
so war machine and falcon are chopped liver huh
>a superhero movie is now a cultural and historical phenomenon
America is fucking pathetic.
Yeah, like that.
I hope you step on a nail in the next year.
Don't forget Heimdall in THREE fucking movies
8 years of Obama
But they re not old enough to drunk
So she's only inviting mexican children?
wtf dude obama and his ivy league neoliberalism healed the nation! how dare u
this is the biggest cultural event in african american history
>Americans think super hero movies are social movements
Guess they couldn't find any Blacks in real life for them to look up to lol
Dafuq now they after blacks too?!
Imagine sitting in that theater with all those... people.
The domestic box office is going to end up being double the overseas.
lol no
It'll be a modest $125 million opening weekend then fall off quick
International will be $200 million if they're lucky
>A Marvlel flick with a rap soundtrack is a proud black power cultural event
This is sad and pathetic desu. This is like Scandis doing this for Thor.
>implying little black children can't relate to non-blacks
The left is so blatantly racist but then again their audience is so blatantly brainwashed that up is now down and left is right.
Considering the sheer effort put into it, it might very well be their highest achievement to date.
>Americans are dumb as shit
Stereotypes exist for a reason, user
even if black people are projecting fantasy into real life, I have to say that if at least one of those kids sees that shit pile of a movie and tries to be a better person because of it, why not? it doesn't harm anyone that she's doing it so might as well see it as an experiment
I know this board is not the right place to discuss crap like this but maybe some kids out there can only relate to movie characters because they have no figures of authority in their private lives
then the blacks came for the blacks, and i did nothing because i wasn't black
So I take it you were born in the 90s and only started noticing race shit when you got old enough? Race has always been a big thing user.
Idk but here is my towns demographics lol. Far from bullshit 95018
Fuck you racist. I'm black and this movie got me to quit heroin and start a family.
One more for (you)s
even if black people are projecting fantasy into real life, I have to say that if at least one of those kids sees that shit pile of a movie and tries to be a better person because of it, why not? it doesn't harm anyone that she's doing it so might as well see it as an experiment
I know this board is not the right place to discuss crap like this but maybe some kids out there can only relate to movie characters because they have no figures of authority in their private lives
Cool, good for her. If I had the money or cared maybe I would do the same. She's a bit of a piece of shit for publicizing herself though. Just do it and don't say anything.
why did all the redditors come to Sup Forums? these threads are just as bad as the ones made by polacks, worse probably
im trying to find a bad thing, but hey, she just buys movietickets for poor kids
>inb4 she said brown kids
>inb4 black panther is a nigger flick
people do nothing for altruistic reasons anymore. it's all about trying to get appraisal by everyone
honestly I just hope all these people go see it and say "meh it was decent/mediocre/a pile of shit" it looks bad compared to other Marvel movies, and those are terrible
Based Octavia, I support this.
The children on Sup Forums certainly does
I blame pewdiepie for opening the gate to youtube watching fags on /gif/, the rest of the boards are being seen as not as bad as the boogeyman says
Thank god OP posted this very relevant 730 am hate thread. Sup Forums on tv is awesome. Nothing is better than arguing about how someone chooses to spend their money. Especially when they choose to buy some kids a few hundred movie tickets. God that just makes me want to burn a cross.
Holy shit the irony of saying this if you're American.
Why are they acting like this is the first black super hero movie?
Also, what's wrong with kids getting to see a free movie. It's better than getting in trouble. all those kids will love it.
$100 bucks says this FB post is fake. Why do Mom's do this shit.
I'm not sure if the division between redditors and polacks is as clear as you make it out to be. This is probably a thread made by someone from Sup Forums
Maybe she's trying to spread good? Costs what maybe $1500? Not worth going into hiding for that.
yeah, it's a cool thing for them being able to see a movie. I hate how people here always have to project their hate for something onto other aspects of life. I don't want to see the movie because I don't like the material that I have seen previously but I can dig people enjoying the movie, especially if it's kids. sure, it's retarded that black people have to force an agenda into all of this but people having fun and being out there socialising is way better than sitting at home in front of the goddamn computer or causing trouble like you stated
>$100 bucks says this FB post is fake. Why do Mom's do this shit
because they love to get attention and praise by other people for not being racist. it's funny that mostly white people talk about the racism stuff even though they have no clue what it's like to be from a different country. everyone acts all empathetic but wants something for it in return
>he lives in a flyover state.
Baron T. agrees with you.
Nobody is even thinking of these things except this clothes ironing board, and the meme clickbait articles that are probably written by members of this board at their BuzzFeed job.
why lie on the Internet
who honestly gives a shit about africa?
That's too bad that brown children need to watch other brown people to feel special. This isn't gonna change black kids and turn them into better people. This is gonna backfire in the long run and make more entitled shits than they're already are.
Can Sup Forums use it's autism powers to get people to irl survey the black/white ratio on people who go see this at their local theater? curious and sounds like something the autists would get a laugh out of
You're right but Sup Forums is always triggered
Kek'ed but true
It's from a movie. The Help.
Only leftists call “flicks” phenomenon, True ConservaKino auteur Mel Gibson will blow them out of the water with the sequel to Passion of the Christ
>mfw I googled thor and I only got your vile jewish caricature as image results
why couldn't they just shrug and say, "eh, that sounds pretty neat-o. I'll give it a watch.
I like BP in civil war he was pretty cool. His fan-base is so fucking annoying.
>violent dictators of a selfish ethnostate
you probably also think Germany is a communist country
>u can only show tepid, detached, vague interest in things i don't like else yur stoopid
All your links are busted. FAKE NEWS
>virtue signallers buying tickets and giving them away for free
>this artificially pushes up black panthers opening weekend numbers far past what they should be
>analysts getting excited a nigger movie is going to be the highest grossing ever
>90% drop straight away
>total flop worldwide
>disney shill journos scrambling to explain the phenomenon by blaming russians or racists or the alt right or whatever
This is going to be great.
>I can only see in black and white
sounds like your kind of movie
The costume make the hero.
Blacks and latinos don't give a shit about static shock, black panther, etc.
Those characters don't have great stories compared to other more popular heroes.
They want Batman, Spidey, etc. Not political bullshit.
They are kids.
Damn, imagine being a black man, an adult, and you need a super-hero to "be proud of what you are". I mean, come on...
>56% retards
jokes on you I gave my DNA to the government and found out I am actually 59% european so get fricked.
>I can only see in black and white
yes that works very well when placed directly after
lol doctor strange and deadpool made more money than justice league and the sony spider-man
shut the fuck up retard
>total flop worldwide
Pretty /comfy/ desu famalam