Other urls found in this thread:
Karma is a bitch.
This should happen to all white people
Also, go back to Sup Forums.
now post that commercial the one bitch was in advocating interracial marriage and post the image of her found crammed in a garbage bag
Got what she asked for. Good riddance. I wonder what the last thought to go through her head was before it was removed from her body?
Live by the sword, die by the sword
Fuck off back to your shithole
we are already on Sup Forums retard
Did they at least fuck her first?
>if you don't support blatant shitposting that happens to agree with my political views you are from Reddit
She was killed by a politician because she was on the verge of found proof against him in some affairs.
Don't be retarded. Nothing to do with equality, she worked for the ONU.
her dad was from Chile
how the fuck is it related to Sup Forums..................
report this shit
OP, learn how to write b8 threads
t. soycuck
You people are fucking ghouls and you will all go to hell. I can just imagine Sup Forumstards trying to justify all the horrible shit they've said and done to St Peter at thr pearly gates
>"uh... it was just a meme"
>"he was a cuck"
>"she was a whore"
>"I was doing it to protect my vulgar, unchristian, womanizing, narcissistic president who is also somehow the saviour of Christianity and Western civ"
And then they just get dropped down to hell immediately. You'll all deserve it too. Fucking hypocrites.
webm me bro or tell me what happens
>> Ms. Catalán previously worked for the European Union, educating local police officers in Afghanistan, Congo and the Palestinian territories on gender-based violence.
niggers aren't people
Why didn't Beasts of No Nation have a scene like this?
I wish this would happen to more liberals
I bet this is Trump's faul-
We're already in hell, why do you think people turn like that
You people are fucking niggers and you will all go to hell. I can just imagine niggerse trying to justify all the horrible shit they've said and done to St Peter
>"uh...bix nood"
>"he was white"
>"ayo she thot"
>"I was doing it to protect my turf bruh an my drug corner an my fellow kangz an my monkey president who is going to prison along with me soon"
And then they just get droppedn down to Hell immediately. Y'all deserve it too. Fucking hyprocrites.
That's fake though, and it was a satirical music video where a blond swede girl was fucked by a nigger while singing the national swedish anthem. But she isn't the same person who was murdered and raped by other niggers.
Movie by Eli Roth when?
Fake news from Sup Forums, as usual.
WHy does this make my dick so hard
Just cause it’s fake don’t make it not true
I would trade everyone on this site for the life of one misguided person who tried to make the world a better place. Not even kidding. The world would be a better place without all of you.
gotta go back man. gotta go baaaaaaaaaack!
She wasn’t beheaded though. She was shot
wow rude
Why are you here? Even if this is bait, it's really poor bait.
Even if I find it funny, this is Sup Forums
and you are somehow different?
pretty sure if christian heaven is real and your biggest crime in life was that you said some mean things on the internet, you're in a fairly good position.
well you can say it. But you can't do it! mark of the biatch!
christ. when did Sup Forums become a safespace for leftyniggers
>poor bait
>Already has 5 (you)'s
then beheaded. likely taken as a trophy.
>liberal atheist preaching about Christianity, heaven and hell
>saying stuff on the interwebs is the same as actually doing bad things
because he thinks he can change things by constantly fighting with shitposters until he drives himself insane
I think faith took care of that already
She was a heretic and now she is getting raped in hell.
well liberalism is a mental disorder
Gloating over people's deaths betrays the darkness and hatred in your heart. The fact that you did it anonymously only makes you a coward as well.
This is just a post for Sup Forums but either you’re too embarrassed to post on Sup Forums or you’re posting it here because you hope that some non-autistic might see it.
theres a difference between good bait that derails a thread an starts arguments against other anons, and shitty effective bait that just yields reply by anons trying to ridicule.
this to be honest i felt bad for her
well at least they were kind of enough to shoot them first
Part of the charm of the film user.
Oh the irony
>derailing a shitpost thread
for what purpose?
>did it anonymously
How do you know they didn't do it IRL too?
misguided people only have the luxury of existing because of people like us who are realists. Imagine if there were only misguided people, they would not last long outside of their gated communities.
>>if you don't support blatant censorship and happen to disagree with my politically correct views you are from Sup Forums
Imagine being a Trumplet shill FOR FREE
who shitposts the shitposters?
>former politician
>murdered while on a UN mission to help stop nignogs from being such savages
Better try to spin this as some SJW bitch getting her comeuppance because she was Swedish!
>gets more upset at shitposters on the internet than at the people who actually committed the murders
nice misplaced outrage faggot.
she wasn't trying to make the world a better place she betrayed her family and homeland to get off on her own sense of moral superiority
she deserved her fate
How come so many conservatives nowadays are basically just liberals (i.e. non-Christian degenerates) pretending to be conservatives, like this poster I'm replying to? Boring, cow-like egoist contrarians who have no principals?
No, she got her comeuppance because she was pro open borders
At least they had the decency to just shoot them and behead them afterwards. Based jungle niggers proving that they're still more civilized than mudslimes.
this but unironically
But she was an SJW. While she was a politician she was vocal about open boarders and other feminist crap. She was actually trying to do the same thing in Congo, likely why they had her killed.
What blatant censorship have I asked support for? What politically correct views have I expressed?
These strawmen are so retarded I think I'm falling for bait
why do you have to be religious to be a conservative?
user, I'm already a demon.
Why you are defending nigger behavior?
Where's your outrage at the murders then? Most of the people ITT are celebrating them. Your deflection just shows that you are a wilful sinner with no real justification for his actions.
Mudslims and South American savages are top tier when it comes to murder.
“It was all to preserve what I believed was righteous”
Always hang a traitor first
we are laughing at the irony
I couldn't care less what savages do in their own world.
Don't worry, it will.
based negros
And you know, trying to educate niggers to not rape children.
But SJW whore got her head cut off XD, such justice! Praise KEK!
What makes you think we aren’t trying to make it a better place you fucking cuck?
>women and children
>scared of liveleak or not american
gay either way
UMMM, we are trying to make the world a better place, you libshits just think that millions of illegals and refugees is helping when all you get is shit like the OP image. The only way to make the world better is remove the foreign invaders, it's as clear as day but you faggots just don't fucking get it.
Yep...just another example that niggers are a lost cause.