>have empathic actor with the screen presence of a tank >dont use him
The biggest crime of the movie. Why the fuck was he so underused. This goes for all replicants btw. They shouldve ditched Deckard and focused on a triangle of K, Luv and Morton.
Name one instance your emphatic tank is allowed to have more screen time
Lincoln Green
It hurts little peoples feelings
Andrew Turner
it works ok as the first part of a trilogy.
I assume that"s where they are going with it.
Austin Myers
The biggest mistake of this movie is being Blade Runner 2.
It makes zero sense that this story is a sequel to br, deckard involvement, the way the world developed, the godawful shutdown to make things have some sense.
Christian Allen
Because he's still green as an actor and would get exposed with too much screen time.
Christian Adams
The movie was great. Haters gonna hate.
Justin Howard
>Why the fuck was he so underused 1. Bringing back Deckard was necessary, because they needed a hook to link it to the previous films to avoid being seen as remake trash 2. Bringing back Ford was obligatory, because his role as Deckard in the first one was so defining. 3. Harrison Ford, despite being old, is famous and expensive 4. When you have a famous and expensive actor headlining your film, you give him the lions share of the screen time.
I agree, it really should have been it's "own thing" and I wouldn't be surprised if it had been at one point early on before someone said "lets slap this licence on it"