Post yfw you first became aware of what an insufferable cunt she is

Post yfw you first became aware of what an insufferable cunt she is.


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Gib milkies

Name one actress that isn't. They are only not insufferable when they realize they aren't in a position of power, similar to a pet dog.

Kirsten Dunst.

She speaks up about black women in Hollywood being discriminated against, she's ok with me.

you can tell by her sunken eyesockets pale skin and severe bone structure that she will age swiftly and poorly
also im pretty sure her vagina is brown colored and tastes sour

love her bone structure and smile

hate her performances in just about every film shes in

> severe bone structure
> "age poorly"

user, thats the opposite of what happens. People with weak facial bones age badly, while people with strong bone development age more gracefully due to strong support for the soft tissues.

I haven't come to that point yet.
However, I did feel that her performance in Miss Sloane was actually kind of bad. Very acty-acty, although part of that must've been the generally abysmal direction. Did chuckle at the male prostitute scenes, though.

Fun fact. She literally had like 11 movies in the can as a lead before the first of them was even released.
I remember her on Letterman or similar talking about how she'd just been working endlessly for 2 years, and she was on her first promo tour.
Checked IMDB, and it looks like the period of 2009 to 2011 is the one.

She sucked a LOT of jew cock to get a deal like that.


oh I knew for years

shes the liberal front woman

I knew when that fake ass propaganda flick zero dark thirty came out what a lying piece of shit

I still would

She was never my mommy.

There can be only one redhead mommy for me

i want one of those loser 'news' sites to write about alt-right Sup Forums abandoning chastain as their mommyfu due to her political beliefs

Post your mommyfu

she is still fucking gorgeous though and part of the redhead mommyfu lineup

i like to imagine me, bryce and amy wearing her down into being a submissive, conservative housewife who cooks for us all

Lord Bullingdon?


it was a quote from dwight schrute
but okay

Saw her twitter last year and have despised her ever since.

I like to imagine I am Dracula in my comfy Carpathian castle and 3 sexy brides.

Jesus what a fucking cunt!

5 mins on her twitter and you hate her



dunst as user said
most of european actresses

what you see here is a jewwood bubble preparing to burst


>Marries an Italian Count
>Preaches about equality

Textboox definition of a cultural marxist.

Reading AGC, turns out she's into feminism so long as she doesn't actually have to do anything besides provide the occasional soundbyte

>muh waifu isn't a society reject basement dweller REEEEEEEEEEEE

>Women can only be raging SJW's or basement dwellers hur durrr

why not link to the actual blind item?

Fuck, kill, marry

>became aware of what an insufferable cunt she is.

But that is old news OP. Look at all her films.

December 260


I've fucking hated the sight of this sneering unmitigated cunt since the first time I saw her. Just looks like a world class bitch. I avoid anything she's in!!!FACT!!!

No, she just lacks the conviction to follow through... which is forgivable because we can't all be Diogenes but at the same time if you're not that dedicated then don't be so fucking mouthy.

>Dave Matthews Band
Confirmed cunt.

When I realized 9/10 of her roles are insufferable cunt characters

she’s not a virgin? dropped.

Most people in Hollywood are like that, they will talk up diversity and refugees and shit, but when it comes time to act they are nowhere to be found. I guess in a way it's like ironic shitposting.


Rachel Weisz is part of the tribe but openly called the metoo shit a glorified shekel seizing operation.

I don't care if she's a libcunt, she's bonerific

As far as actresses go, she's top-tier

She was harvested big time.

I think she must be the most annoying actress in the world right now. Most actresses are feminicunts but this one takes the cake, is like every time she opens her mouth is to complain about something, I haven't seen anyone as negative as her.

do you think your mommyfu of choice is a pure virgin or something?

There's a lot of space between pure virgin and blowing dreidel hogs on the casting couch.

Actresses (or actors, see Mark Hamill) with a social media account are just pure cancer. There's a reason why Saoirse Ronan, Emma Stone, Rooney Mara or Elizabeth Olsen are liked on Sup Forums, because they aren't constantly bitching on their Twitter/Instagram

Yeah....everyone is right, you are a stupid tranny

giv mommy pusy

BDH is once again proven superior


i have achieved satisfaction


She took it like a motherfucking CHAMP.

she can pull off the buttchin better than anyone

How hard do you think he spanks it to that scene in the Fellowship where Galadriel goes all inverted colors Queen mode for the ring?

Son eventually would out grow the mommy emotionally and intellectually.
It's called growing pain.

all people in hollywood are insufferable cunts.

Even everyone's dear Ryan Gosling probably has skeletons in his closet.You dont get into that industry without being a ruthless bastard.

a glorious throat to fuck

>Name one actress that isn't.

we need an insufferable cunt and meryl streep is too old.

lost her virginity?
That's antithetical to feminist doctrine, she was raped to the sound of misogynistic music



This is my mommy, isn't she pretty?

what movie

>Dave Matthews Band
she was 19 when that came out lol
even if she lost her virginity the day it came out she's basically incel at that point

I knew she was a cunt the second I saw her. Idiots.

I've never been able to stand this cunt. She started appearing everywhere after Zero Dark Thirty and she wasn't even all that good in that role.

Suddenly she became like the voice of Hollywood women out of nowhere, she's hardly attractive or a good actress.

Fucking jews man.

that is definitely the face of a women who was forced to licked your balls and is now taking a picture with you

i can kind of believe dunst isn't a cunt desu but can you give some examples of how she isn't a cunt?

Honestly think she'd have made a better Catwoman aesthetic wise than Anne Hathaway ever could be.

Little Children

When she complained about making less than a man when she makes more money pretending to be an astronaut or killing Bin Laden than the men that actually were astronauts or killed Bin Laden and died for this country

>KiA is keeping a list of all the metoo's
>If they do anything remotely sexual now they are hypocrites
>Directors wont hire them without a wafer
>The whole thing is starting to look like a scam
>Millions of younger actresses in the wings

Spectacular plan, real genius tier shit sistah.


she keeps her fucking mouth shut, the best quality a dancing monkey can have

someone post that pic where she is photoshopped to look like the mask

>muh shooty shooty soldier men
This is why we're replacing you. Because everything comes down to rewarding brutish violent behavior with men.

She was incredibly one-dimensional in The Martian too and basically just a small side character..


> "The Office is old enough to rip exact quotes from without anyone noticing, right?"

Is she supposed to be famous? I can't think of a single movie she's in. Only reason I know of her is because Sophia Lillis name dropped her in an interview when asked who should play adult Beverly. I did some digging and it turns out the only reason Lillis plugged Chastain is because Chastain is buddies with the director of IT. How fucking pathetic are you that a newbie 15 year old has to convince normalfags you're an actress that exists?


>being that old when you first have sex
She was 19 or older. That's anime loving weirdo tier.
So cringeбю coudn't even finish it.

You know your obese prom date didn't count, right little bud?


Fucking moron.


she was nearly anorexic actually
I looked her up on FB recently and from the looks of it she has been doing a lot of drugs

she's supposedly very traditional and got married because she doesn't want kids, so it's not surprising she didn't have sex at a young age

>ywn take Jessica's virginity.

i like that you defended yourself only because of a technicality

Dude I remember that movie, there was a really funny scene, the girl the guy is cheating with asks him how hot his wife is, he tells her that shes a 10, the girl doesn't believe him and ends up tailing him to his house, then she sees Connelly and ends up bawlin in the fukin car

>"hey, lick my balls and i'll make you rich and famous"
>"lol ok!"
>women coming out saying they were taken advantage of
>don't want to appear to be a whore in case your name comes out, so say you were taken advantage of