We warhammer 40k now?
We warhammer 40k now?
dropped the show soon as they went into the MU. Cant even force myself to watch the last 3 eps
>emperor of terran
first blizzard and now star trek, games workshop should sue
"The mother of the fatherland" is actually a cool title.
Go to the Warhammer subreddit. It's a bunch of guys trying to get their wives into the game so they will quit bitching about them. It's the exact same thing that happen to vidya games. Guys wanted to play, and girls thought they were stupid. So guys had to make them appealing towards girls so they could play together. My wife hates videogames. I told her to shut the fuck up.
>the biggest thieves should sue a bunch of thieves who have stolen from them
what did he mean by that?
casting is all wrong
That's not a bad list actually. Though I kinda was see Cate Blanchett as Fulgrim (playing as a dude of course)
Is this Star Trek Disaster?
i disagree with dicaprio as russ but the rest seems fine.
also pic related
>My wife hates videogames. I told her to shut the fuck up.
Why would you yell at a realdoll?
calling it STD works just fine. they worked the insulting part in the original name already
This. When will people learn that nothing is ever improved by becoming mainstream?
Not grimdark enough. Also not enough gold.
And by gold you mean skulls.
While indeed there is a serious deficit of skulls and Gothic chants in STD my main problem is the lack of superhumans chainsawing orks on screen.
>Based Mads doing Morty.
>Not Curze
Shit list my friend.
You mean the worst version of 40k where wanting to make the Empire glorious again is seen as a bad thing?
I was impressed by that, too.
Why waste such a cast on irrelevant primarchs ? A movie could only focus on 5 or 6 at best and that is assuming we're doing an horus rebellion movie to start the franchise which would be beyond stupid
>warhammer 40k now?
>pic of Tau whore
Your soyness would make you a great daemonculaba.
Aaaaaaah, that is a mighty good list actually, especially Fulgrim and Dorn.
>Father, cease with your bad opinions
I love Bruva.
What's this from?
lmao ebin xD
That's no way to talk about a White Scar, faggot.
Malcolm McDowell is too old now to reprise the role of Flashman(this time in Spaaaaaace).
>I'm fed up with this Imperium.
>implying GW hasn't stolen from a bunch of other shit in the past, Dune in particular
>You're tearing me apart Horus
>Feral, viking warrior demigod played by Leonardo Dicaprio
Who could play the Emperor? Prime Arnie maybe?
>Not Tilda Swinton as the perfect androgynous specimen
>White Scar
>Sanic The Hedgehogs of legions
>Gotta go fast head first into the wall
No, prime Sonny Landham would be much better.
>Tau whore
>The Goddess Emperor
>The best mirror universe
>Verification not requiered for your next post
> This will never happen because it would take the GDP of a small european country to be made
Why is Hollywood so bad at properly managing movie budgets bros ? Why is shit work so expensive ?
Make the whole thing with unknown actors and spend everything on building sets, ships, armors, weapons, miniature cities, and bring tens of thousands of extras from some cheap army (like Waterloo did) for sci-fi battle scenes the likes has never been seen before.
Forget about the primarchs, cast the Chaos gods.
CGI Andy serkis for every single last one of them
t. kk
idris elba
Hardmode: You can only cast them as girls
Goddess Empress*
Don Vito as Grandfather Nurgle
Don Vito is dead
even better
Termies are a CUTE.
Ah the usual 40kid thread on Sup Forums when it's nothing to do with television or film.
Apart from that Doomsday Machine episode from TOS, I'd never seen Star Trek before Discovery.
Discovery seemed pretty decent up until recently with what they've done to Lorca, who was by far the most complex and interesting and likeable character in the show.
Then that all went to shit when Michael inexplicably sided with the Hitler-esque Emperor of an evil alternate universe (who she even witnessed killing her alternate universe father figure in a planetary genocide) over her literal captain, and allowed and even enabled that evil Emperor to kill her captain, just because he happened to be from that universe originally and intended to/succeeded in overthrowing that evil Emperor, and then Saru just took it on blind faith that not only was what Michael saying to be true and right, without any proof, but also entirely justified. Bearing in mind that Saru also massively distrusted Michael for being a renegade who allowed their previous captain to die in a coup, and the fact that the only reason that Michael isn't rotting in a cell for the rest of her life is because Lorca personally saved her from that. It's so fucked in so many different ways. The most complex thing about this show now is how much they've fucked it up.
Thank god I've recently started TNG, I'm on S1E20 now. I'll keep watching Discovery but I feel like I've lost the genuine interest I had in it.
It will never be done so just give up on it happening. It's not like Warcraft or LotR where it has a easily condensed story. Too much shit you have to cover and Warhammer is incredibly niche.
psssh nothing personal kid
my god i love 40k so much.
>we didn't got terran tactical cyborg Daft Punk
Shame fanmade stuff has terrible VA and lacklustre animation. Best you're gonna get however. Better than GW's '''''films''''''. Even DoW3 trailer didn't do proportions right. Short of getting the guys who does Blizzard animations, a 40k film will never be done or done well.
Khorne: Robert Maillet
Tzeentch: Tilda Swinton
Papa Nurgle: John Goodman
Slaanesh: Laverne Cox
Malal: Millie Bobby Brown
It's the same scene from the film Wanted, except no suicide. Also isn't this from Star Trek? Didn't know there were psychic things there.
DoW voice acting is unironically some of the best vidya voice acting in existence.
And of course
Nurgle should be Amy Schumer
Nurgle is a likeable character, though.
precisely why I picked Goodman. He'd be so jolly at his kettle.
Schumer is more disgusting
Death of Hope. Only a trailer, bad VA, models repeat a lot.
Those games had so many standouts.
Even the shit ones have gems like Boreale and Carron, even if they were due to Scott not being aware he was being recorded
Sindri was fucking great
what is this comic and why aren't you posting more
A one off, sadly
worst list
Read the thread.
No we SG-1. All hail the new system Lord
Go with Jason Momoa as Curze instead
But who would be emperor?
Cast him
Henry Cavill
WHFB wasn't popular enough to keep as a game, if 40k can't get a film then WHFB defo won't.
>tfw no Gotrek and Felix series
>or Vermintide mini series
I'll watch nearly anything with McAvoy in it, he's fucking brilliant.
>What is the avengers movie,
or any capshit really, no one there is a real heavy payload.
They killed the GOAT character Lorca.
>no Orkz animation about Orkin'
I think the best thing that would translate on screen is if it was about Inquisitors.
literal perfection, thank the Emperor
lets say a 40k film happens. what would be the most likely way that the hollywood jews ruin the entire franchise in one film?
every actor has an american accent
female space marines
Technically canon already.
>vin diesel
>ferrus manus
>the rock