Jumanji box office surpass Thor: Ragnarok with half of the budget

>Budget: 90 millions
>Box Office: 855 millions

>Budget: 180 millions
>Box Office: 852 millions

Holy shit this movie is making a hella lot profit

Other urls found in this thread:


>Jumanji 3 vs SW IX in 2019 is actually going to happen
We live in strange times

A shitty movie being propped up by alt right and twitterfags that jerk off to everything Johnson says


>yfw you make the most profitable blockbuster of the year, and your father and your brother are the responsibles of Ranger Solo

A eщё мы cбopы кaccoвыe взлoмaли, тoвapищ, oops I mean, fuck you libcuck.

It was unquestionably better than any Disney movie this year

*last year

if you told me Jumanji had a 40 million dollar budget I would believe you the production value was ass but I still liked it

>a hella


is this a good sign of capeshit era slowly (SLOWLY = 3-5 years) coming to an end?

People are starved for decent comedies. There hasn't been a good one in years.

>family friendly movie with the rock, jack black, hot redhead beat marvel movie number 343030

Guardians of the Galaxy 2
Star Wars The Last Jedi

All of these were better than a piece of shit reboot Dwayne Johnson movie from the 90s you haven't even watched.


More like

>beating every DCEU movie (BvS soon to be beaten)
>beating every MCU movie except Avengers 1 and 2, Iron Man 3 and Civil War (Homecoming soon to be beaten)

capeshit is over
fictionalboardgamerevampedasvideogamekino is here

Fucking hell I keep saying I'm gonna see it again since I was drunk and feel asleep the first time but I'm always too busy. I just wanted to get litty.

mad about it? bet you wish you had a crew of russian hackers at your beck and call
*hacks ur myspace*

but but but...it's a meme!

The last December released film to take top spot in February was Titanic (1998).

The real question is if Jumanji can create a series of 800+ million dollars movies. The answer is no.

Maybe Coco. That's it.


I dont get it. Can you please post in English

Nah, only Guardians really competes.

Yup! Those movies were a goofy-good time and Marvel Funny (and that is a good thing)! These memesters need to go back to Russia!

Holy shit what an awful taste for movies

Or maybe you're just a cuck fetishit that feel pleasure on shilling for Disney for free like a good cum dumpster


here's something that even you can understand
go back to re*dit
you obviously don't belong here



Yep. Sup Forums and similar groups are buying hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tickets to see Jumanji just to indirectly spite Disney and their soy minions for having a female lead in Star Wars. It would have flopped otherwise.

>People are actually throwing money at this movie to "stick it" to Disney

>People are throwing money at this shit movie because lol#litty lol i put #litty and got 10 likes lol lol lolrolflol

I can guess which one you are. Get back into your safespace

Pirates of the caribbean could with a worse start

Jumanji already has 2 big movies and a sucessful cartoon, they can already be considered a big franchise

Top 10 reasons why you should like these horrible movies instead of good ones like Jumanji


Yeah, it's a sign that all the big budget hollywood AAA blockbusters are such insufferable feces that even the the normie shit eaters and breathers caught up to the fact and rather choose FECES LIGHT instead.
Make no mistake, Jumanji is still absolutely subhuman diarrhea, it's just slightly less so than whatever Marvel/Disney is shitting out.
In a perfect world ALL of those inverted ass liquid shitshows would catastrophically fail.


Because it was actually a good movie and everything else that's come out recently has been shit.
>"everything i don't like is the fault of the alt-right!"
Please just go.

>That time when he triggered all of those mouse cucks

The first Pirates was better than this though. Everybody loved Jack Sparrow before he got stale. And the concept has way more room for sequels.

Or maybe the audience actually likes this movie? Oh, but then that won't fit in your agenda! It MUST be the 300 pound Russian Sup Forums hacker that somehow both found the willpower to leave his basement and decided to watch the movie multiple times right? There's no WAY anyone could possibly not vote for Hillary--I mean...!

>implying it isnt the normie social media trend jumpers that are watching this shit

>A shitty movie

What a cucks soyboy

You wouldn't say so if Jumanji was a clichè Disney movie.

>tumblr reaction gif


Jake Kasdan is pretty underrated. Dewey Cox was one of the funniest movies I've seen

Funny how SJWs can't get a god damn thing to turn a profit despite their constant SM fuckholery.

Dammit where is the Black Adam movie!?

oh boy i can't wait for this to be milked, i'm looking forward to the jumanji cinematic universe

>implying Last Jedi didnt turn a profit

хaхoл, ты?

A fantastic, fun family movie featuring a diverse cast whilst not engaging in identity politics bullshit you mean.

litty kino cannot be stopped


>he doesn't know the difference between a reboot and a sequel

Did thor 3 suck?

It was better than Thor 2, Avengers 2, and Iron Man 3 but that doesn't really mean much.

I think it was the best Marvel movie actually

RoI for The Last Jedi is abysmal compared to Jumanji.

>this is what Disney shills are paid to post

>Not being Litty

by the beard of the prophet

It brought the much needed levity to the Marvel Universe

but he didnt say RoI, he said profit

>Alt-right retards went to see a movie starring a black midget, a Samoan memelord, a ginger goat fucker, and a fat leftist

Nigger what?

Won't stop them trying though.

>Jumanji 3: Origins


The rock and James Cameron team up for LITanic

The Rock= Superman
Kevin Hart= Jimmy Olsen
Karen Gillian= Lana Lang
Daddario= Lois Lane
Jack Black = Perry White

How is this even possible? I watch Jumanji trailer at cinema and thought that movie looked like shit. Jokes were lame, CGI was bad, and yet somehow this movie is a success? What am I missing?

Yeah and RoI measures the profitability you fucking moron.
>spend 1/4 billion
>gross just over a billion
Much lower profitability when you could have invested in FOUR Jumanjis for the same money and earned 3.2 billion


>What am I missing?

Jumanji blu-ray fucking WHEN?!?!

Guardians 2 was fucking awful

That's true, but still doesn't explain why it was a success.

It damaged future installments profits which is the real issue. Hence stakeholders freaking out over the massive drop between the first and second week.

it's fun

Niggers and arabs are probably half of the audience. It's so retarded and vulgar it feels like a blaxploitation movie

The cgi was better than MCU

>turn a profit

dumbfuck. doesnt matter if it's 100m or 500m . It still turned a profit

>Jumanji cinematic universe will be the next big thing after capeshit
>tfw we live in dystopian future but it's not even a cool kind of dystopia like cyberpunk, it's faggy one with Jumanji cinematic universe

Good night of living, that is so bad.

Dwayne "The ""Litty"" Rock" Johnson does it again!

You sound severely OUT OF TOUCH and likely to clock in next weekend wondering the same thing again

So The Rock is getting #meTooed any day now, right? No way the family friendly corporation behind the movement will let this humiliation go unpunished.

How was Jumanji so cheap? I could have swore it was a 200 million plus movie

>A shitty movie being propped up by soyboys and twitterfags that jerk off to everything Disney says

He is attractive so it will never happen. There are literally videos of him groping our gal on set and no one cares, least of all her.

They went to an actual jungle to film everything

there's not that much CGI actually

Coco yes, Thor maybe. No to the others

who /RAUNCHY here?

Seeking some RELEASE from numbing ANGUISH me and the boys rolled up to DAS KINOPLEX last night after a harrowing forty mile TREK through the frozen WRAITH-ZONE making it just as the ravenous TYRANT MOTHS began their pre-mating MANHUNT. The distant FOG-HORNS gradually being overtaken by the deadly, silken FLUTTERING of their sable WINGS.

The EMBERS of the last audience were dying down in the CREMATORIA, needless to say we had a good LAUGH in the PENIS INSPECTION line when my bro Skyler got DRAGGED OFF by the guards to serve a fifty year sentence in the POPCORN MINES for wearing a non-regulation FALCONER'S GLOVE. The SHOWERS were pumping that good-ol' ZYKLON-B that gets you extra loose for the RAUNCHY fun; trying to hold your BREATH is good practice for trying not to PISS yourself later.

My man ROBERT served us up some tasty and very litty CRAB LEGS with extra 'BUTTER', well worth the SEVEN HUNDRED and EIGHTY TWO dollars FIFTY for the TIP.

Once we were INSIDE the film hadn't even STARTED before the first drips of PISS came out. An y'all just KNOW that nothing sets off the bloodlust of a TERROR-GHEIST like warm, 'buttery' PISS. Half the SQUAD was DRAGGED into the OUTER-DARKNESS before our BLADDERS were half-empty but even the keening shrieks of the ORPHANED ONES couldn't drown out this raucous COM-BOMB.

When the GUARDS came to finish off the SURVIVORS I was able to ESCAPE by using the CORPSE of my bro JONNY D as a CANOE when the lake of PISS was drained down the sluice normally used for flushing blood and FLESH. I only had to wait THREE HOURS in the rank soup of run-off MEDICAL WASTE and avoid the TELEPATHIC SHARKS that make the sewers their HOME. It wasn’t so bad except for being driven MAD by the hungry WHISPERS of all the GHOSTS.

10/10 SUMMER FUN, would SEE again!

Jumanji was awful but stil 10 times better than Just Jedi

>not counting the catastrophic loss in profits due to not a single toy being sold

Litty! Are there any pants pissing scenes? I get the feeling this was made for FANS, not CRITICS.

Remember to watch Black Panther though! That film is important!

Are you a non masculine CRITIC?

mfw will go escape numbing anguish and Super Bowl coverage watching Jumanji today