Will this hurt his career?

Will this hurt his career?

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He did nothing wrong

What exactly is he being accused of?

It's over

Do you think he's going to whup Uma UP AND DOWN THE STREET for her heresy?

QT doesnt make movies for normies and he obviously has enough clout to shoot whatever movies he likes so no

Making woman drive a car

being Tarantino

Could Tarantino even make D'Jango Unchained today?


nigga he's finished

Likes feet

of directing his actors

Feet fetish qualifies as rape now?

How do you think reddit is reacting to this since he is their second favorite director behind nolan.

They don't know.

Of making Revenge plots, you're not allowed to have a movie based on revenge. Or if you do, it has to be a guy getting tortured instead of a woman. That's a good thing for male actors, hopefully female actors dont complain about losing jobs.

They are very sheepy, so probably throwing him under the bus. Or at least the upboated comments are.


He was the one who spit the chew in uma's face in kill bill, so he's a womyn hating monster. It's totally unprofessional for a director to do things himself to ensure he gets the shot he wants. Literally never happens.

Reddit never ceases to amaze me with their openness.

No, American cinema has changed for the worse.

You mispelled his name idiot

What’s he guilty of again?

I hate this timeline so much

So far I've been able to defend QT by saying "yeah, he's a weirdo but he's a nice guy™, nobody's ever complained about how he treated them even though he's a sick fuck who likes to lick actress' feet and choke them on screen" but this car crash thing really is indefensible
not so much the crash itself, more so the fact that he refused to hand over the tape which she could have used in a lawsuit and which she would have had every right to
I really don't want to believe he was trying to murder her, but him making Death Proof right after really doesn't look good

He's guilty of making the dumb bitch drive a car and helping her in the most pivotal scenes of '' Kill Bill '' when the actress is supposed to be at peak emotion. Nothing, he literally just directed his actresses/actors for the best performance possible and found out they don't know how to drive in the process.

Django Unchained was shit though

Oh it shows quentin, it shows

What a sick fucking monster! I can totally believe that Uma was so shocked that she had to wait 14 years to bring this up.

Being an arthouse director who loves getting involved in what he's making.

When he releases a trailer with some funky 60s song and then Manson appears nobody will remember or care.


>He was the one who spit the chew in uma's face

it was teenos cum

hopefully. he sucks. always hated this fucking weirdo.

>Quentin Taratino

You take that back, nigguh

Being a cunt. I mean, Uma's interview was about her, not him or Weinstein. Women are inflating everything again.

Nigger, you're apart of this timeline.

QT is a based director that Uma used to jump start her dying career. Doing the weird shit he enjoys is the cost of doing business. Also, why the fuck would he hand over a tape that some old cunt would use to shake him down?

And Death Proof has/had nothing to do with Uma, that thirsty bitch is reaching.

>makes you one of the stars of his masterpiece (Pulp Fiction), turning you into a household name
>revives your career in another series of well-received genre films that have grown in popularity over time
>made you who you are today
>date him
>ruin his career because he left you for a younger woman
Weekly reminder that women don't understand the concept of loyalty

Uma is corrupt. Dated Andre Balazs. She's part of that cult.

Tarantino just worked for the cult.

There's a reason they're shilling this this hard.

QT might have flipped.

Meanwhile the lone voices of reason on reddit are languishing at -50, -200+ downvotes. Reddit is such a fucking joke.

Hollywoods already slamming him so yeah but it won't end his career.


What's going on here?

this. shills on this board are very obvious. you can tell what they're trying to sell.

The white knights are out in full force. There are legit comments about how men getting hurt in stunts is different because female discrimination or whatever. Reddit used to be the middle ground between the reactionary Sup Forums and the bleeding-heart tumblr, but now it's just tumblr for balding men with beards.

it was kino


Got nothing for Quintagon Tarantula either. Fucking Reddit.



Are these new accounts or long time established ones?

yeah, they sure got it in for Taratino all of a sudden.

5+ shill threads on QT, and none on Hoffman.


>ask a high paid actress to drive 80kmh in a forest trail dirt road in a 50s car with ass suspension and no hydraulic wheel.
It was a shit decision and the yes-man producer should have told the foot-kisser to fuck off and use a stunt woman.

I tried searching for Quidditch Terrortino and got nothing what the fuck.


Big if true.
But it seems like she didn't know which way to take at the crossroads. Didn't they rehearse the way at least a few times? Wtf?

He's career is fucked. No producer or studio will work with a director who does stupid shit like that.

Yeah, sounds like they didn't do their jobs. It's not QT's job to know which stunts are dangerous and which aren't, and if Uma was advised by a stunt director not to do the shot, she could've said no. Nobody forced her to do that scene.

This is just Tarantino being an autistic idiot about "muh authenticity." The problem is that they're attaching this to the #metoo movement and are suggesting that he somehow got off on dominating Thurman.

that shit isn't close to 80kmh at all

Lel she actually crashed. How did she marry him after that?

40mph(64.3kmh) actually

I am sure insurance companies and studios will adore a guy who makes them liable to get their assets sued off.

he can always come to europe and keep directing. he doesn't depend on hollywood at all

Quentin Tarantino suffers from being an ugly white male in a position of power, by today's standards that means he should burn at the stake.

His close association with Weinstein meant he was fucked long ago. Europe is his only choice now.

Hey Quentin, reddit and twatter here, we heard you begged Uma Thurman to drive a car and she wrecked it, you're fuckin' dead kiddo.

Even there, the car crash incident will make him poison to movie producers. Insurance is going to be a big problem for QT's future movies.

where is that from?

lol no

This thread - reddit.com/r/startrekgifs/comments/7v4ima/mrw_i_read_about_the_horrifying_things_quentin/
Warning: reading the comments may cause cancer.

insurance always expect these kind of accidents, it's just that for once a woman tried to be the action hero and got injured booooooooooo meanwhile male actors get injured all the fucking time

Being mean

More like... farthouse!