Is Adum autistic or just dishonest? He makes a mere 1 hour video with his 2015 list (something a regular Youtuber would make in a weekend) and claims it was this gigantic project that took years to make, consuming all his time and Patreon money. Not even feature Hollywood movies take this long to make. And the video is not even that good, it's just a few sentences describing each film followed by some clips.
Is Adum autistic or just dishonest...
>what is a scam
you have to be a legit retard to give someone patreon money
He spent it on "treats".
the work of those who consort with beasts
he's just a dogfucker
i legit dont understand how it takes him so long to produce these vids lol
anyone else noticed how embarrassed he was over liking mad max? "oh fuck I like the same movie as the general audience, how do I spin this? I know, I'll keep saying it's fun so it sounds like I'm not being quite serious when I say that I like it...that'll save my reputation, brb gonna go fuck a dog and a horse!"
I only watched him to rag on twd and it took him 3 years to finish 1 season. Then I found out he live streamed alot of him and his furfriends just drinking and doing fuck all so I havent watched him in 5 years.
80% of the list was still normie shit to boot.
I hate how he's always complaining about working "so hard" editing clips in all his fucking videos. The most annoying kind of person.
He's the epitome of a tryhard hipster