Will Disney have the balls to ever go this dark in their films?
Will Disney have the balls to ever go this dark in their films?
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Killing kids doesn't sell toys.
They were Yeunglings though.
Not saying it was dark, but the red guards fight in TLJ was pretty brutal for Disney. I think I saw blood
If all the kids turned their lightsabers on and threw it at him sideways, what would have happened?
No, it's fucking disney
They're repulsed by sex, humanity, dread and consequential violence
They love vapid "humor", stereotypes, """"fun"""" and commercial nihilism
The lightsabers would turn off. They need force to stay on. And I don't even think they had them with them
Lucas didn't either. He cut away when Anakin actually killed them. You can't just imply something like that. Either you commit to it or you don't do it.
It's still dark imagery. Stop being an edgy autist
>They need force to stay on
So that kid in the front was totally Snoke, right?
>They need the force to stay on
At least watch the fucking movies.
No and ur dumb
The movies Disney are making now don't sell toys either.
>And I don't even think they had them with them
You can literally see them holding their lightsabers in the picture
Yes, they need force. At least know what you're talking about
Pretty sure they're cock rings
No, seriously. Watch the movies you dumbfuck. General Grievous uses them in the PT. Han uses one in the OT. Finn uses one in the ST. None of these people use the Force.
This could've been amazing
Actually, according to Disney, anyone can have the force now. So, sorry sweetie, you're wrong.
>Sweetie posting
Okay, you're just a troll or a retard. Here's your (You)
>Will Disney ever go dark
Not in the mainline cant have mary sue have to actually DO something or BE something other than the best.
Maybe when they bring back based ani
so did lucas made up younglins or was it an already existing word?
Nu-trilogy doesn't sell any toys either.
Now to be fair, the audience was supposed to sympathize with Anakin, and by extension Vader in the OT, having him decide to kill a bunch of innocent children because he wanted pussy was one of the worst ways to do that
Did we even see him kill any actual Jedi in III? The only other characters I remember him killing were the Seperatist leaders.
Yeah in the holo video he was offing a lot of jedi
Palpatine would be able to sense if Anakin didn't kill the younglings by sensing that he was being half-hearted.
No, I'm right.
The fact that the plot of all three films basically amounts to Palpatine lowering everyone's IQ points by 50 was really stupid
It makes sense because the prequel Jedi had gotten arrogant and too dependent on the Force.
Congrats on the most retarded post I've seen in months
It's true. That's why whenever a lightsaber falls to the ground they switch off. You dumb fucking faggots do your research
If I remember right, they are "training" lights abercrombie or something. They don't cut or break skin, they only stun/shock. It'd be like being hit with a very low voltage cattle prod.
Whether that's canon or not anymore, I don't know.
"Lights abercrombie"
lol wtf. LIGHTSABER.
>If I alter this it resembles the other thing!
Darth vader chucks his lightsaber at Luke in Empire and it stars on. Han also turns on a lightsaber without the force in Empire
Well, yes you fucking retard. He would've bad a scare down his face and aged at least 50 years. You dumb fucking faggot.
>Darth vader chucks his lightsaber at Luke in Empire and it stars on.
Yes precisely you cocksucker. Vader uses the force to keep it on. And I'm not saying anything about non force users not being able to use lightsabers
Um Disney can go dark. I don't know about nowadays. But they've done dark.
Fuck, rogue one had everyone die.
They're not going to go dark with their priced possession. They need enough comedic characters to make toys off until they make their money back. Then we'll see
Not an argument
The ST is much darker than anything in the original six. It doesn't have charred corpses or killed children, but the wider story is utterly dismal. The cast of the original trilogy turn out to have failed completely at everything they were supposed to accomplish. Han and Leia's relationship is broken and their child is an unhinged mass murderer. Luke has failed at his destiny of restoring the Jedi, and not only has he failed but he's given up at it. The New Republic which they fought to restore was never even shown and nobody found it worth fighting to defend, the evil Empire is back and more powerful than ever, and the Resistance is weaker, less competent, and has worse morale than the Rebellion. And all of this happens in the text crawl of TFA.
The Disney Wars universe is most cynical and depressing possible continuation of the original films. If that doesn't count as dark I don't know what would.
So you mean they require the button to be held (force to be applied to them) to stay on, not THE force?
If you're throwing them, which is what we're discussing. Then they need the force
This. Rogue One opening scene the protagonist shoots an innocent man to avoid getting caught, the second act closes with an entire city being destroyed and the ending scene literally everyone dies.
So what you're saying is they need constant pressure to stay on? Pressing the button or whatever when they're in your hand, and using the force to keep them on when they're out of it.
What people are getting confused about is whether lightsabers turn on via a switch of sorts, or the constant pressing of a button.
You didn't communicate your point very clearly at the beginning, which is why you were ridiculed. You don't require the force to turn on a saber, but you need it to keep the saber on if you throw it.
Killing her was Anakin's true crime.
The new stuff already doesnt sell toys
No, they are just incapable of reading
>The lightsabers would turn off. They need force to stay on. And I don't even think they had them with them
Normally this would be a perfectly good way to phrase it, but because we're discussing Star Wars, perhaps 'force' wasn't the best word to use. Yes, they can't read, but you also could have phrased it a bit differently.
I understood it, which I why I wanted to clarify it just to make sure.
>this dark
>doesnt show anything in the film
Pft. I kids before would buy the lego temple kit because you could slice them in half yourself.
No way this is real
Even worse than the most comfortable chair ever made
God, hopefully not, that scene was when I knew, for a fact, that George Lucas had lost his mind.
You were phone posting weren’t you? Be honest.
yes user, you too have the force. we all possess the force. Everyone is special...
*faps 2 hours later to tranny webms on /gif/
they've gone darker than that