Good show comes out

>Good show comes out.
>100% on RT even though it's approaching episode 4.
>Sup Forums doesn't even talk about it.

I don't even know why I keep coming back to this shithole at this point. You guys are a bunch of plebs.

because Sup Forums are plebs. it's the only solid show currently airing

And of course this thread will get 2 replies and die but the 100th Black Panther thread will hit 50+ replies.

well, people get paid to post those threads

Source? It wouldn't surprise me though.

I'm gonna watch it, what's it about?

>he doesn't know about the marvel shills

oh boy

I think it's more to do with the fact that it gives them an excuse to express their racism.

Maybe it would be discussed if you made a good thread about it instead of a dog shit one like this one filled with whininess and off-topic discussion. Maybe you could make a thread where you discuss the show, post the premise, ask a spoilered question about the show that other watchers could discuss. If anything, knowing a faggot like you likes this show is a turn-off and makes me uninterested in looking it up for myself.

someones assmad lmao