"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Rey."

>"Oh my God... She's more powerful than Rey."

Short. To the point. I like it.

Other urls found in this thread:


then who was phone?

She's more powerful than herself. She gets the stronger the more you look at her.

Why were there Jefferies tubes on the falcon? This movie makes no sense.

Because JJ Abrams is a hack.

Godspeed, Reybels.

which god do you think she meant?

The scape pod section has ALWAYS existed

>ghost luke shows up
>"rey you must find my son before Ben can kill him~"
>episode X: The search for skywalker

Is sand more powerful than Rey? Could Rey be the child of the sand?

Asking the important questions here.


The Judeo-Christian God, Jahve - who made the Kessel Run in 15 parsecs. This was his training area before he did the Kessel Run in 0 parsecs and in that instance created our current universe.


It is possible also that our creator is indeed Rey.

Hmm. Be verey careyful now.

No, but the High Ground probably is

Oh no sweetie the High Ground sounds to male and toxic

Wow bro, you sure showed us some prime white "intelligence" with that post.

Funny how it's the same way every time Sup Forumstrash like you open your mouths - you immediately prove nothing other than that high school was more than your brains could handle.



>My god... she’s more powerful than Gandalf the Pimp and Gandalf the Ho, Matt Damon and the guys from Mister Show and Benito Mussolini and his big weenie and Tony Curtis in a pink bikini, Robocop, The Terminator, William Shatner, Ralph Nader, Lo Pan, Peter Pan, every male Power Ranger, Keanu Reeves and Bill S Preston, Spock, The Rock and Charlton Heston...
>Even if they came at her, lightning fast, she’d still kick each cowboy ass
Did anyone else find this a touch out of place?

Reminder that Luke has such bad PTSD and is so mentally fucked up in general that he's literally regressing to infancy. I bet he shits in diapers too.
